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Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. -Einstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. -Einstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. -Einstein

2  Answer the items yourself

3  What knowledge base and processes were required?  What did you have to know as readers and writers?

4  What thinking strategies were required to:  Understand the question?  Access information (in the text and background) essential for the response?  Put information into words or match it with words on multiple choice questions?  Self evaluate the answer for correctness, completeness and clarity?

5  Chart Types of questionsDemands on readers

6  Focus Questions

7 It makes sense to us that the strategies needed in test-taking would be better learned if they were part of the daily curriculum. -Kathe Taylor and Sherry Walton Children at the Center: A Workshop Approach to Standardized Test Preparation K-8

8  List possible ways to embed practice on those skills in ongoing good instruction – through read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, guided writing, etc. See chart..

9  How can these skills be used in a way that is authentic?  How can these skills be fostered in a way that is interesting for the students?  How can you help students see the purposes for these skills?

10  List possible mini lessons and practice sessions that are specifically designed to help students understand the genre of test taking.  We also can add a list of successful instructional techniques.

11  Plan a mini lesson that is specifically designed to help students understand the genre of test taking.

12  Be ready to share the mini lesson you planned today. Bring the chart you co-create with your class.

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