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Lewis and Clark The Journey to Discover a New World.

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1 Lewis and Clark The Journey to Discover a New World

2 Lewis and Clark Expedition In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase sparked renewed interest in the land to the west of Louisiana all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Two men were chosen to head an expedition through Indian territory and record all the new plants, animals, minerals and peoples that they encountered and draw a map. The two men were named Lewis and Clark

3 Lewis and Clark Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) [Top Left] and William Clark (1770-1838) [Bottom Left] are two of the most famous explorers to ever live after heading the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

4 Lewis and Clarks Diaries Lewis and Clark both kept journals or diaries and they wrote in very different styles. Lewis wrote about every day in great detail and his adventures. Clark would occasionally write about plants, animals or new people he encountered.

5 The Pacific Ocean Despite constant threats from Indian tribes, animals and lack of supplies not to mention scaling dangerous mountains and constant trouble with the boats, Lewis and Clark made it to the Pacific Ocean. In his journal Clark records some of his first thoughts at seeing the ocean for the first time “proceed to the top of the mountain next to the which is much the highest part and that part faceing the Sea, from this point I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects which my eyes ever surveyed, in frount of boundless Ocean.” ( oria/1806history6.htm) That point later became known as Tillamook Head or “Clark’s Point of View” Despite constant threats from Indian tribes, animals and lack of supplies not to mention scaling dangerous mountains and constant trouble with the boats, Lewis and Clark made it to the Pacific Ocean. In his journal Clark records some of his first thoughts at seeing the ocean for the first time “proceed to the top of the mountain next to the which is much the highest part and that part faceing the Sea, from this point I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects which my eyes ever surveyed, in frount of boundless Ocean.” ( oria/1806history6.htm) That point later became known as Tillamook Head or “Clark’s Point of View”

6 Thank You For Watching ition ition

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