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Lewis and Clark Expedition Source Map Source. Source: Source: National Geographic 1803.

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Presentation on theme: "Lewis and Clark Expedition Source Map Source. Source: Source: National Geographic 1803."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lewis and Clark Expedition Source Map Source

2 Source: Source: National Geographic 1803

3 Source: Source: National Geographic

4 SourceSource: LOC Transcript of Letter Instructions from President Thomas Jefferson June 20, 1803 Source: LOC

5 Mission: SourceSource: LOC “The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri river, & such principal stream of it as by it's course and communication with the waters of the Pacific ocean whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other river may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce”.

6 Geography (Landforms) CreditCredit: LOC

7 Anthropology “You will therefore endeavour to make yourself acquainted as far as a diligent pursuit of your journey shall admit, with the names of the nations & their numbers”. Source: Source: LOC

8 SourceSource: LOC Botany (Flora) “Other objects worthy of notice will be… the soil & face of the country it's growth & vegetable productions, especially those not of the US”.

9 Source Zoology (Fauna) …the animals of the country generally, & especially those not known in the US “.

10 Geology “the mineral productions of every kind; but more particularly metals; limestone, pit- coal, & salt-petre; salines & mineral waters…” SourceSource: LOC Meteorology “climate, as characterized by the thermometer, by the proportion of rainy, cloudy, & clear days, by lightening, hail, snow, ice, by the access & recess of frost, by the winds prevailing at different seasons…”

11 Big 6 Research Process Evaluation Synthesis Use of Information Location and Access Information Seeking Task

12 Source CC 2.0 1. Task Identification What am I going to do? What is your question? Discover what Lewis and Clark learned by creating a timeline of important events of their journey paying close attention to the botany, zoology, geography, and anthropology.

13 How and where are you going to look for information? You will choose certain books to read and the websites I provide to search for your information. Source 2. Information Seeking

14 3. Location and Access What type of sources will I use? For the project you will reading books to identify what you think are the essential parts of their journey. Then you will use preselected websites to add to your information Source

15 4. Use of Information How will I record my information and cite my sources? You will find information about the Lewis and Clark Expedition by reading books and websites and record important events and sources using a provided bookmark and template. Source

16 5. Synthesis How can I present the results? What will my product be? You will be using Google Earth to create your timeline by adding placemarks with the information you gather. Source

17 6. Evaluation Did I complete my task? Did I do my best work? You will complete a self-reflection, not only about your actual research and timeline by also how you collaborated with your partner. Source

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