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1. What is an expository essay?  Expository essays explain something with facts, instead of opinion.

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2 1. What is an expository essay?

3  Expository essays explain something with facts, instead of opinion.

4  Opinions: “I think”, “I believe that”.  Slang: Cuz, whack, O.D.  Sloppy Handwriting  Listing information

5 On March 10, 1804 Lewis and Clark began their expedition. On this expedition they had a lot of problems. I think that it was really hard for Lewis and Clark cuz there were a lot of ticks and mosquitoes. There were a lot of dangerous animals like buffalo and grizzly bears. The men were not familiar with the land and often faced starvation. Native Americans like Sacagawea taught them how to live off of the land. She also helped as a navigator/interpreter. The Nez Perce Indians taught Lewis and Clark how to make dugout canoes.

6  On March 10, 1804 Lewis and Clark began their expedition. On this expedition they had a lot of problems. I think that it was really hard for Lewis and Clark cuz there were a lot of ticks and mosquitoes. There were a lot of dangerous animals like buffalo and grizzly bears. The men were not familiar with the land and often faced starvation. Native Americans like Sacagawea taught them how to live off of the land. She also helped as a navigator/interpreter. The Nez Perce Indians taught Lewis and Clark how to make dugout canoes.

7  Paraphrase: At the end of a paragraph where you used information from another source. Put the resource in parentheses. (Great Journey West, National Geographic)  At the bottom of your essay list every source that you used!

8  E.L.E. #1. (Standards Graded: RI.1, RI.2, RI.5, W.2, W.8, SL.6)  The Lewis and Clark Expedition claimed territory for the United States and made our country more powerful. Write an expository essay describing: 1. Why Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis and Clark for the expedition. 2. The problems that Lewis and Clark faced during the expedition. 3. The ways that Native Americans helped Lewis and Clark during their expedition.

9  http://serrawesternexpansion.wikispa http://serrawesternexpansion.wikispa

10 5 Paragraphs Paragraph 1: introduce the main idea/ thesis of your essay. Body Paragraphs 2,3,4 (Evidence/details). Paragraph 2. Why Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis and Clark for the expedition. Paragraph 3. The problems that Lewis and Clark faced during the expedition. Paragraph 4. The ways that Native Americans helped Lewis and Clark during their expedition. Paragraph 5: Summary/conclusion.


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