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There are two types of Skeletons: 1)Exoskeletons-On the outside of the body 2) Endoskeletons-On the inside of the body.

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3 There are two types of Skeletons: 1)Exoskeletons-On the outside of the body 2) Endoskeletons-On the inside of the body

4 What kind of skeleton do the following animals have? Exoskeleton (outside) Exoskeleton Endoskeleton (inside) Endoskeleton

5 Marrow fills the inside of bones. There Are two types: 1)Red Marrow-Makes blood cells 2)Yellow Marrow-Stored fat

6 Red Bone Marrow Found in the spongy ends of long bones.

7 Spongy bone gives your bone strength without weight. The ends of bones have holes in them, like a sponge. The holes are filled with Red Bone Marrow.

8 Yellow Bone Marrow Found in the hollow spaces in the long bones

9 1)The Axial Skeleton 2)The Appendicular Skeleton

10 The AXIAL skeleton: Skull Vertebrae Ribs

11 The Appendicular Skeleton: These bones make up your “appendages”, your arms and legs. They branch off of the axial skeleton.

12 What are the two minerals that are stored by the bones? Calcium And Phosphorus (for us)

13 1)Skeletal Muscle 2)Cardiac Muscle 3)Smooth Muscle

14 Skeletal muscles: Attached to your bones

15 Cardiac Muscle The tissue that makes up the heart.

16 Smooth muscle Makes up internal Organs: Stomach Intestines Blood Vessels

17 INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES Cardiac and Smooth muscles are involuntary. You DO NOT control them. They work on their own!


19 List the five functions of your skeletal system Movement (with muscles) Shape and Support Stores Minerals (calcium/phosphorus) Protection (skull protects brain) Makes Blood Cells

20 Cartilage Tissue that cushions the ends of your bones. This is found between all bones. It also makes up the end of your nose and your ears.

21 Pelvis Ulna Femur Radius Patella Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges

22 Cranium/skull orbit Mandible Scapula ribs Sternum Clavicle vertebrae humerus

23 Ligaments Ligaments connect BONES to other BONES I guess all of his ligaments broke! Poor Mr. Bones!


25 JOINT TYPES Hinge Pivot Ball & Socket Immovable Gliding Knee Between vertebrae At hip On skull Forearm

26 This joint allows for circular motion. Ball and Socket This joint allows the most movement. The ball of one bone fits into the socket of the other.

27 Your vertebrae are an example of a __________ joint. Pivot The bones rotate around each other, allowing you to bend, twist and turn

28 What type of movement does a Hinge joint allow? Back and Forth movement only (like the hinge on a door)

29 Which type of joints does your skull have? Immovable. These joints do not move Mooooo!

30 Tendons Tendons connect MUSCLES to BONES TENDONS

31 Don’t Forget to study your notes and diagrams!! Good Luck!!

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