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The National and State Context Independent Schools Queensland May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The National and State Context Independent Schools Queensland May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National and State Context Independent Schools Queensland May 2009

2 National context New Federalism Implications for education

3 COAG/MCEETYA COAG a major driver of education reform Significant issue for non-state sectors MCEETYA role diminished Education agenda linked to productivity agenda

4 The Education Revolution Some examples: Commonwealth-State financial relations Digital Education Revolution Trade Training Centres Literacy and Numeracy Pilot Projects Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority The Melbourne Declaration Early Childhood Education and Child Care Building the Education Revolution (BER)

5 National Partnerships Low SES Communities $231 million over seven years (2008/09 to 2012/13) – independent sector $5.52 million (nine schools) Literacy and Numeracy $41.5 million over two years (2008/09 to 2009/10) plus possible reward payments of $97 million in 2010 to 2012 – independent sector $2.3 million of facilitation funding Teacher Quality $18 million over four years (2008/09 to 2011/12) plus possible reward payments of $68 million in 2010 to 2012) – independent sector $2.77 million of facilitation funding

6 National Partnership to Improve Year 12 or Equivalent Attainment The Commonwealth will provide up to an additional $100 million over six years, including up to $50 million in 2013 ‑ 14, to the States for a National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions.

7 National Partnerships (cont’d) NPs require co-investment by States/Territories Reform based

8 The State Context Minister – the Hon Geoff Wilson MP Parliamentary Secretary – Caroline Male Acting Director-General – Julie Grantham Arts has moved to Premiers Significant Departmental re-organisation QSA

9 QCAR Report Senior Project Officer QCAR Schools are focusing on: –Planning with Essential Learnings –Consistency of teacher judgment activities –Developing quality assessment practices –Establishing intra and inter-school moderation practices

10 QLD 1-9 QSA Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Essential Learnings Knowledge and Understanding, Ways of working and Assessable elementsEssential Learnings Assessment Bank QCATS Queensland Comparable Assessment tasksQCATS –Centrally-devised assessment –School-devised tasks

11 2009 QCATs 4,6 completed. Year 9 in August….ISQ sponsored moderation events underway ISQ to survey schools regarding QCAT take up QCEC are progressing but with an emphasis on standards (all dioceses required every school to do at least one QCAT) Education Queensland (strike action referred to constant curriculum change)

12 Big issues for independent schools QCATs mandated in 2010? School devised an option? More opportunities for moderation? Alignment with the national picture?

13 A Shared Challenge Improving Literacy, Numeracy and Science Learning in Queensland Primary Schools

14 Feedback Four week period for consultation on the recommendations – Closes May 29, 2009 Government response will follow Please provide any feedback to

15 Recommendations: That all aspiring primary teachers be required to demonstrate through test performances that they must meet threshold levels of knowledge about the teaching of literacy, numeracy and science and have sound levels of content knowledge in these areas.



18 Recommendations (cont’d) That standard science tests be introduced at Years 4, 5, 8 and 10 for school use in identifying students who are not meeting year-level expectations and monitoring student progress over time

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