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Implementation of the SEND Reforms – a national perspective A Time for Change – Working Together Waltham Forest Parent Carer Forum Conference Tuesday 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of the SEND Reforms – a national perspective A Time for Change – Working Together Waltham Forest Parent Carer Forum Conference Tuesday 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of the SEND Reforms – a national perspective A Time for Change – Working Together Waltham Forest Parent Carer Forum Conference Tuesday 17 March 2015 André Imich, SEND Professional Adviser, DfE

2 The New World of SEN So…………..  How has the six months been?  What have you noticed that’s been different?

3 Cultural change: putting children and young people and parents at the centre Where disagreements happen, can be resolved early and amicably, with the option of appeal to Tribunal Children, young people and parents are part of a joined up system, co- designed around their needs Education Health and Care Plan is holistic, co- produced and is focused on outcomes Extending choice and control over their support

4 Legislative change - The new SEN system 1. Co-production with children, young people and parents 2. All duties apply to all state-funded schools academies, colleges 3. Coordinated assessment; 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan 4. LA, health and care services to commission services jointly 5. Clear, transparent local offer of services 6. Statutory protections for 16-25s; focus on preparing for adulthood 7. Offer of a personal budget; more choice and control 8. Applies to CYP detained in youth custody

5 LA Implementation Survey Spring 2015: SEN Reforms - Understanding and engagement High ratings:  Parent Carer Forums  Maintained schools Low ratings  Youth Justice partners  Adult health services 5

6 LA implementation survey (Spring Term 2015)

7 7 What the Local Offer is Easily accessible information in one place Includes education, health and social care services available to support CYP with SEND from birth to 25 Particularly important for those without EHC Plans Variety of formats – interactive website, apps, videos, paper, phone and stands



10 Schools - Publication of information  Provision in mainstream and special schools covered by almost all LA local offers.  All schools, including special schools, must publish their SEN Information Report on their website  LA local offer must include information about “in area education provision” – e.g. education settings (early years, schools and Post 16), where to find schools’ SEN Information reports and SEN services including early years. 10

11 Quality local offer  Developed with parents, children and young people  Meets the legal requirements  Accessible  Has a feedback mechanism  “Provides me with the information I am looking for easily”  “Looks good!” 11

12 Quality EHC assessments and plans: 12 EHCP assessment pathway is compliant with the Code Enables families to be active contributors – co-produce Is timely - 20 weeks Format follows the Code

13 Ofsted recommendation (Dec 2014)  DfE, DoH and NHS England - considering accountability measures to monitor impact of reforms.  Complement local accountability arrangements  Inspection should be: − proportionate and risk-based − developed with YP, parents and carers, providers and services, LAs and healthcare services − focused on identifying need and improving outcomes in education, health and social care.

14 Accountability model EXTERNAL INSPECTION (Ofsted, CQC)

15 Transferring to the new system m/uploads/attachment_data/file/348591/Transiti on_to_the_new_0_to_25_special_educational_ needs_and_disability_system_statutory_guidan ce_for_local_authorities.pdf

16 The Transition/ Transfer process It’s an EHC needs assessment For statements, max 14 weeks Where agreed, can use existing advice The LA is responsible Schools play a key role ISs can help families and YP Young person can ask for an assessment Statements by April 18, LDAs by Sept 16 For LDAs, max 20 weeks No child to lose out

17 Early National Implementation Issues Ensuring there is genuine, and continuing, co- production Moving towards the full vision of the local offer. Transition from statements to Education Health Care Plans Ensuring all agencies play their role Leadership and developing the workforce

18  “I was very impressed with the meeting last week, it’s probably the first time I've walked out of a meeting with someone from the LEA and actually felt my child's views were listened to.”  “We felt very included in the whole process and as if everyone was really interested in the best outcome for (name of child). I particularly appreciated having phone calls and contact with a named person.”  “We were able to discuss and value the positive side of my son”  “Having opportunity to meet with key people together rather than many separate meetings. Support from parent partnership was immense and school and others worked well together” Family experiences of the new system

19 The journey towards further improvement.....…  Co-production  Local offer  Developing post-16 provision  Wider school improvement agenda and SEN support  Quality assessment leading to quality EHCP  Advice, guidance and support  Measuring impact  Workforce development  Leadership 19

20 In conclusion……… Nationally  Challenges are evident – commitment to finding solutions  Advice, guidance and support is available and continuing  Need to maintain focus on co-production  Many families already reporting improvements  Development of accountability framework  Evolution not revolution


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