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REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Area: total: 87,661 sq km land: 56,594 sq km surface area of territorial waters totals 31,067 sq km Population: 4.437,460 (2001) (the.

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Presentation on theme: "REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Area: total: 87,661 sq km land: 56,594 sq km surface area of territorial waters totals 31,067 sq km Population: 4.437,460 (2001) (the."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Area: total: 87,661 sq km land: 56,594 sq km surface area of territorial waters totals 31,067 sq km Population: 4.437,460 (2001) (the number of islands, islets and cliffs is more than 1700). 1

2 2 Owerview of number casualties in last years (1991 - 2010)

3 Trend of the actual and expected fatality coefficient in traffic for 2004 – 2010 (on 100 000 inhabitants) 3

4 STATISTIČKI POKAZATELJI  Total number of road accidents 44 394 or 11,9% less than in 2009.  Total number of road accidents with casualties is 13 272 or 15,6% less than in 2009.  426 deaths of road users or 22,3% less than in 2009.  18 333 injured persons or 16,4% less than in 2009 (21 931). 4

5 Since 1994 The Government of the Republic of Croatia appoints the Ministry of the Interior as holder Working group leads a NRTSP and consists members from: Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Justice, Croatian Autoclub, Centre for vehicles of Croatia, Croatian Roads and Croatian Insurance Office Currently, the NRTSP for the period 2006 to 2010 is in force Multiform activities NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMME 5

6 Following a series of individual actions by the subjects responsible for road traffic safety and the achievement of specific short-term results, the conclusion has been reached that no long-term goals can be accomplished without a systematic and continuous implementation of measures. Subsequently, the Ministry of the Interior proposed putting into force the National Road Traffic Safety Programme. Aware of the legitimacy of its implementation, the Government of the Republic of Croatia accepted the National Road Traffic Safety Programme at its session held on 16 June 1994. Today a continuation of the programme’s implementation is justified not only by the positive results accomplished so far, but also by the commitment of the Republic of Croatia to accept, in the beginning of negotiations on its accession to the European Union, both the directives and the guidelines binding Member States to improve road traffic safety. 6

7 RESULTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAMME In the period from the acceptance of the National Programme’s implementation until today a series of changes in road traffic in the Republic of Croatia have occurred. It is certainly important to note that the situation of road traffic safety in Croatia has significantly improved. The drop from 1360 fatalities in 1989 to 426 fatalities in 2010, with an extremely high increase in the number of vehicles, drivers and traffic routes, is a very respectable fact. 10 fatalities per hundred thousand inhabitants in 2010 was our goal in National Proramme from 2006 to 2010 and it has achieved. 7

8 NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMME (2011-2020) The National Road Traffic Safety Programme 2011-2020 is in the process of adoption by the Government of Republic of Croatia. Its promotion is planned for the 11th of May, in accordance with global promotion of Decade of Action for Global Road Safety. NRTSP is based on the 4th European Road Safety Action Plan and its contest is in line with it. Main goal is to reduce the number of road crash fatalities for 50% by the 2021. (It will be very hard to achieve, but we will tray) The whole Programme is divided into five main topics: Behavior of all road users Improvement of road infrastructure Safe driving Efficient medical care of road crash victims Other areas of work For each of any topics the relevant stakeholders are appointment and these are ministries, national, regional and local authorities, road authorities and other governmental and nongovermental institutions and organisations.

9 Video spots TV spots Radio spots Build board Advertising in media Promo materials CAMPAIGNS 9

10 2. PROTECTION OF THE MOST VUNERABLE TRAFFIC USERS Children, young people, cyclists and motorcyclists, pedestrians and disabled people Through education, arising of traffic culture and safe behaviour Increasing the usage of children restrain systems Technical improvement of a bicycle –increasing visibility Elements of passive safety – helmets for motorcycles drivers and their passengers and safety belts for drivers and passenger of four wheels vehicles Adaptation of traffic surfaces for disabled people 10

11 Road Traffic Safety Act (OG 67/08) Legal BAC is 0,5 g/kg For young and professional drivers BAC is 0,0 g/kg! Weekend actions, night actions, holidays actions (pubs, disco clubs, etc.) 3. ALCOHOL 11

12 4. BLACK SPOTS In cooperation with Croatian Roads: On the basis of statistical data of traffic accidents (number of accident on spot, number of casualties) Safety improvement of the roads Horizontal and vertical signalisation Since 2001 there were 312 black spots detected At the end of 2008 185 black spots were eliminated completely and 43 partially Approximately 21 millions Euros Rest are in process 12

13 Republic of Croatia Ministry of the Interior Road Safety Department THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact: (Ante Gašpar,, )

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