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04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 1 30-month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal Matters arising from the previous meeting Project.

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Presentation on theme: "04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 1 30-month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal Matters arising from the previous meeting Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 1 30-month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal Matters arising from the previous meeting Project phases Matters to be addressed over the last six months Meeting aims & structure Mark Davidson

2 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 2 Matters arising from the last meeting Annual Report Financial matters – cost statement queries Data submission T.I.P. contributions Newsletter? Focus on CSI development and journal special issue Final Meeting (Lanzarote. April ’05 pending extension) Lack of CSIs at Lido di Dante (TSC meeting)

3 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 3 Project Phases Phase I (Kick-off meeting, Egmond): Definition of coastal management issues and an initial working set of CSIs (CSI report) Phase II (Six month meeting, Plymouth): Defining fieldwork activities Phase III (Annual meeting, Utrecht / Delft): 1)Provisional CSI algorithms 2)Assessment of the new video stations. 3)Adoption of the frame of reference Phase IV (Mid-term Meeting, Santander): Recasting CSIs within the ‘frame of reference’. – Demonstration examples for each site. Phase V (2nd Annual Meeting in Bologna): Refining algorithms for the delivery of demonstration CSIs, (where these CSIs are clearly linked to the frame of reference) Journal Special Issue Contributions

4 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 4 Matters to be addressed over the last six months - Phase VI Continue with: CSI algorithms Special issue Plus: Dissemination workshops Dissemination CD Checked, calibrated and archived data + data CDs T.I.P.

5 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 5 Meeting Aims To finalise the Journal special issue content and clearly define each partner’s contribution To fully plan the dissemination workshops To fully plan the production of the dissemination CD To allow for research presentations

6 04/06/2016 30 month CoastView Meeting – Lisbon, Portugal 6 Revised Journal Structure Foreword (brief 2 pages, not reviewed) Introduction paper (Reviewed including ‘frame of reference approach, Introduction to CoastView approach, Field site introduction) Mark D. / Mark VK Coastal Video Systems. Pre-CoastView + Developments within the CoastView programme. Rob & John The use of video for: Navigation. Santander + Plymouth. Raul Beach Use. Santander, Lido Di Dante, Shoreline exceedance. Jose Beach Safety. Lido di Dante (Currents in protected `area). Teignmouth (flow around banks [morphology driven], cut-off hazards), Rip-current occurrence (Egmond / Santander), Longshore feeder currents (Egmond). Jose Coastline Management. Shoreline definition (MCL, TCL). Dredging at Santander, Nourishment at Egmond, Storms at Lido di Dante. Aart Prediction Paper. 1. Data driven Modelling (NN- Ken & Gerben, Statistical approaches – Howard & Ken), 2. Use of video to calibrate models (Bar location- Stefan, Wave breaker frequency- Alberto et al.). 3. Data-model assimilation/integration (Video bathy to run nearshore model – Raul. Sub-tidal bathymetry - Stefan ). Marije & Stefan Summary paper + future developments. Mark VK and Mark D (8 Reviewed Papers)

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