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Result Based Management (RBM) STAFF MEETING 8-9 December 2010 Ramnagar.

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Presentation on theme: "Result Based Management (RBM) STAFF MEETING 8-9 December 2010 Ramnagar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Result Based Management (RBM) STAFF MEETING 8-9 December 2010 Ramnagar

2 RBM Use of Logical Framework Approach i.e. result oriented plan & its monitoring Practice of RBM in NLR projects, bottom up approach Promotion of RBM in GHC system

3 Why RBM ? Justify the activities ? Show results to donors ? Solve the problem/gaps ? Improve quality of services ? Steering & corrective actions

4 RBM- Requirements Information / data Skills to Analyze Vision

5 Situation Analysis Geographical information Socio-economic and cultural aspect Magnitude of health problems – analyzing Indicators Records & Reports (evaluation) Block level consultations Resources available

6 SWOT Analysis Strengths: Resources & capabilities available with in the programme Weakness: Problems with in the programme Opportunities: External factors that can be helpful for the programme Threats: Factors not in the control of the programme and may affect the system adversely

7 Identification of Problems, e.g. No Vehicle or mobility problem. Poor Supervision. High no. of Grade II disability among new cases. Poor case detection Non availability of MCR Poor DPMR Services

8 Problem tree Problem tree brings out various factors responsible or related to a particular problem It is a tool for clarifying cause-effect relationships between the various problems in leprosy control programme

9 Problem to Objective/Result Poor case detection Poor Supervision Poor DPMR Services Improved detection Improved DPMR Services Improved Supervision

10 Indicators Is a tool to measure change / end result It could be rate, ratio or proportion. It could be number also.

11 Work plan for implementation ActivityTraining of MO Duration & Date 4 days, 15 th – 18 th April 2010 Responsible person(s) DLO Required itemsVenue, Learning material, LCD/OHP, Stationery etc. BudgetVenue, accommodation, stationery, travel, per diem, lunch, learning material, Hiring etc… Funding resource District Health Society (Leprosy)

12 Budget Calculations AccommodationRs. ‘X’ (one day tariff)… x No. of days x No. of rooms Travel (to & fro)Rs. ‘X’ (fare).. x No. of persons Per diem/D.A. for trainers & trainee Rs. ‘X’ (Per Diem of 1 day).. x No. of Days x No. of persons Lunch/teaRs. ‘X’.. x no. of Persons Stationery & Miscellaneous Rs. ‘X’.. x no. of persons

13 Activity Schedule (Gantt Chart) Act. No. Activities Apr- 10 May- 10 Jun- 10 Jul – 10 Aug - 10 Sep - 10 Oct- 10 Nov - 10 Dec - 10 Jan- 11 Feb- 11 Mar – 11 1 Training of MO ----- 2 Procurement of footwear ---- 3 4 5 6

14 OBJECTIVES (PURPOSE/RESULTS) Log frame Matrix Objectively Verifiable IndicatorsSources of VerificationAssumptions GOAL To contribute to improved health status of people in Nasarawa State  Improved health indicators in the State  State health report PURPOSE To have TB and leprosy under control in the State  Increased TB case finding  Improved case holding of TB and Leprosy  Improved TB cure rate to at least 70%  Improved TB treatment success rate to at least 80%  Decrease in child prop. among new leprosy  Decrease disability grade 2 among new leprosy  State TBL annual report  Uninterrupted supply of drugs reagents and other consumables RESULTS 1. Effective logistics and supplies system ensured  Vehicles and motorcycles provided  Vehicles and motorcycles fuelled  Vehicles and motorcycles maintained  Requisition of drugs & reagents made  Drugs, reagents & consumables distributed to DOTs/MDT centres  Drug stores at State and LGAs maintained  % of health facilities with cupboard  % of health facilities with INH for prophylaxis  % of LGAs in need of off the road motorcycles provided with  % of LGAs with paediatrics anti-TB drugs available  % of laboratories with functional microscope  Office record, delivery notes, annual report  Log books/receipts  Requisition form in the office  Distribution forms in the office  Supervisory visit reports  Distribution forms, annual reports, store records  Office reports, inventory  Distribution forms in the office  Distribution forms in office, QAO supervision reports  Adequate logistics and supplies available

15 An effective & Efficient Human Resource development system established.% of LGAs with assistant LGA TBLS trained in ZariaControl Officer had MPH training% of health workers trained on IPC % of state team members including Alushi project leader (PL) that had computer trainingTBL management training attended by the state team and Alushi PLTBL office reportsTBL office reports, Degree certificatesTraining reportsTraining reports, certificatesTraining reports, certificatesPlanned trainings carried outCommunity awareness and participation improvedNumber of communities involved in TBL activities% of planned advocacy visits carried outNumber of community members participating in TBL activities% of planned leprosy and TB awareness campaigns carried out% of health facilities and communities with posters Behavior change plan available% of awareness campaigns targeting stigma and discrimination of TBL patients.% of planned ACSM activities implemented% of planned TBL/HIV jingles aired% of LGAs with advocacy committee constitutedTBL office reportsAdvocacy visits reportsTBL office reportsQuarterly reportsSupervision reportTBL office reports, Quarterly reportsQuarterly & annual reportsTBL office reportsTBL office reports, video and audio cassettesQuarterly & annual reportsCommunities agree to cooperate

16 More… next time THANKS

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