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School District 23.  Jon Rever  Husband, Dad & Soccer Coach ▪ Marni ▪ Jenna (15), Keaton (13), Ben (10)  Career (20 Years Public Education) ▪ Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "School District 23.  Jon Rever  Husband, Dad & Soccer Coach ▪ Marni ▪ Jenna (15), Keaton (13), Ben (10)  Career (20 Years Public Education) ▪ Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 School District 23

2  Jon Rever  Husband, Dad & Soccer Coach ▪ Marni ▪ Jenna (15), Keaton (13), Ben (10)  Career (20 Years Public Education) ▪ Academic Background ▪ B.SC Biochemistry, B. Ed Secondary, MA Admin & Curriculum, Diploma Dimensions of Practice (Royal Roads) ▪ Experience in Education ▪ Teacher (Math & Science), Vice-Principal (Middle & Secondary), Principal (Middle), District Principal (Technology and Ed Services), ▪ Ministry of Education - Accreditation, PLAP, FSA, Applied Mathematics, BCeSIS ▪ COTA Executive (Pro D), COPVPA (Pro D & Finance), SMC Executive, BCSSA ▪ Current Position ▪ Director of Instruction K -12 – Rutland Zone Schools ▪ Responsible for Technology, Mathematics, Science and Education Services ▪ System-wide Implementations First Class, BCeSIS, iLearn 1 to 1 Laptop Project, Technology Refresh Program, The Learning Centre, K- 12 Assessment Plan, District Data Warehouse, SD23 Show and Share Video Portal

3  To engage you in a conversation about teaching and learning in the 21 st century.  To provide a brief overview of our School District  To describe some of the thinking and directions that our school district is considering.




7  Individually  2 minutes – reflect on the video  Write down 3 ideas that were meaningful for you  Pairs  5 minutes – discuss you ideas with your partner and explain WHY you chose them  Group  Share some of your thoughts with the whole group

8  Serves 173,000 citizens from Lake Country to Peachland  4% of provincial enrolment of 538,636 students  6 th largest district in the province  Schools 30 Elementary 6 Middle 5 Secondary 1 Alternative Education

9 Student achievement results show performance significantly above both the national and provincial norms on almost every measure. Our goals continue to focus on improvement in the areas of Numeracy, Literacy and Graduation. General Information:  Students 22, 298 H/C  Educators 1,557 H/C  Non Teaching Staff 1,268 H/C  Operating Budget $ 176 M  Special Purpose Funding $ 4.9 M Partners Include:  Central Okanagan Teacher’s Association (COTA)  Canadian Union of Public Workers (CUPE)  Central Okanagan Principal’s/Vice Princ. Assoc. (COPVPA)  Central Okanagan Parent Advisory Council (COPAC)  District Student Council

10 Student Populations September 30, 2010 (H/C) (FTE)* Gr K-610,410 10,128 Gr 7-9 5,135 5,135 Gr 10-12 6,753 6,304 Total 22,298 21,567 * (H/C = headcount; FTE = full time equivalent)


12 Headcount Full Time Equiv % of Prov English as a Second Language 360 355.50.61% Aboriginal2,106 2,098 3.87% Special Education ▪ Level 1-3 873 869.5 3.64% ▪ Other Identified 873 873 French Immersion 1,969 1,462 International 172 125





17 Conference Board of Canada Employability Skills 2000+

18 The requirements of the workforce are changing

19 LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY Programs and Services That the Ministry of Education work with the Boards of Education to create a realistic plan for expanding the one‐to‐one computer programs around the province and to determine the costs. (Recommendation 10.4) School of the Future That the Ministry of Education work with a school district to pilot a ‘school of the future that combines the elements of a modern learning environment. (Recommendation 10.8)

20 “This is a story about the big public conversation the nation is not having about education… whether an entire generation of kids will fail to make the grade in the global economy because they can’t think their way through abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish good information from bad, or speak a language other than English.” TIME Magazine, December 18, 2006

21  From Learning Information to Learning to Learn  From Data to Discovery  From One Size Fits All to Tailored Learning  From Classroom Learning to Lifelong Learning:  From Passive Student to Active Learner  From Parent as Supporter to Parent as Participant:  From Teacher as Lecturer to Teacher as Guide

22  Emphasis on Early Learning  Early Learning Profile – Literacy and Numeracy skills  Full Day K – play based curriculum  Focus on Quality Assessment  K – 12 Assessment Plan  School Improvement Planning  Data Warehouse and Educational Intelligence Tools  Teacher dashboards and Profile  Identifying problems of learning and informing instruction.  SD23 Attributes of a Learner  Learner, Thinker, Innovator, Collaborator and Contributor  Student Engagement  Project Based Learning  Technology Infused Curriculum  Varied Program Options and Schools of Choice

23  A Learner is one who is engaged, resilient and seeks to understand through:  Literacy, Numeracy and Subject Competencies  Information, Media, and Technology Literacy  Self-Direction, Work Ethic and Accountability  Healthy Lifestyle  Financial Literacy  A Thinker is one who analyzes, makes connections, inferences, asks questions, and transfers knowledge through:  Critical Thinking and Problem Solving  Open Mindedness and Reflection  Flexibility and Adaptability  An Innovator is one who sees possibilities and generates original ideas with value through:  Curiosity and Imagination  Creativity, Design and Performance  Initiative and Entrepreneurship  A Collaborator is one who excels at working with others to create new understanding through:  Appreciating Diversity  Effective Communication  Interdependence  Relationship Building  A Contributor is a citizen who participates in the local and global community through:  Finding, Following, and Sharing Passions  Respect, Empathy, and Kindness  Integrity and Ethical Behaviour  Civic and Environmental Responsibility  Embracing Diverse Cultures and Lifestyles

24  Service Continuity & Sustainability

25  Network Infrastructure

26  Service Continuity & Sustainability  Mobility

27  Service Continuity & Sustainability  Personalization of Learning

28  A district issued wireless laptop  Wireless connectivity at all sites  Access to a variety of online systems  BCeSIS, First Class, Teacher Profile - Skopus Data Warehouse, Show and Share Video System, Curriculum Resource Centre Booking System  Projectors and Smartboards in many classrooms  Use of Social Media Applications

29  Jon Rever  Direction of Instruction K – 12 – Rutland Area Schools  Tel: 250-860-9729 x 4103  E-Mail: E-Mail:  Twitter: @jonrever

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