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Day of disaster For Men of honor By: Kevin Baez.  Noble Knights fighting a great battle for their king, when out of the no where *boom!!!!* a great explosion.

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Presentation on theme: "Day of disaster For Men of honor By: Kevin Baez.  Noble Knights fighting a great battle for their king, when out of the no where *boom!!!!* a great explosion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day of disaster For Men of honor By: Kevin Baez

2  Noble Knights fighting a great battle for their king, when out of the no where *boom!!!!* a great explosion on the main entrance


4  A movie of dragons is on and they start to freak out and slash at the screen screaming in fear “kill the dreaded beast!” the whole crowd screams in fear and start calling the cops.

5  Immediately cops come in and take them away to prison for their criminal acts. The knights are frightened at the sight of a car and start crying thinking it’s a death machine and start hitting it with their swords

6  From all the hits the car takes the engine starts and the hand brake gets loose and runs over one of the knights….but he lives

7  After all the knights drama with the car the cops finally get them in the cop car on their way to jail, the cops are more relaxed now

8  Until they see what jail is and they take away their weapons and the knights start to freak out like crazy and attack the cops so they get locked up

9  They try to escape so they make a human ladder to jump over the walls of the jail and help each other escape and get all their swords back and start running away into the ocean

10  They end up in a tsunami and they try to fight it not knowing what's happening when they end up on the beach boardwalk

11  They go on the rides and have fun from the afternoon till the beach boardwalk closes and they go bowling and discover what “pictures” are.

12  Then out of the sudden they ask themselves “where are we?, where is our king and kingdom?, why are we in the year 2012” then the world starts spinning and spinning in circles faster and faster around them…

13  Once again they wake up terrified wondering what they will encounter this time…when they realize they are back home in the 1450’s… disappointed for they loved 2012 

14 TThey go to their king to tell the story of cars, jails, police, movies, the beach boardwalk and everything that happened to see if they could try to build anything of that!!

15 HHe tells them they have gone mad or it was a dream but they don’t give up and try to take over the king! Guards come over and arrest them to take them to the dungeon D: poor knights THE END. ^.^

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