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TraMOOC Project Overview Presentation Overview Presentation.

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1 TraMOOC Project Overview Presentation Overview Presentation

2 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project ObjectivesWHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 2DD/MM/YYYY

3 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project Objectives WHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 3DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

4 TraMOOC in a nutshell Author Name 4DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Project details Partially fundedEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644333 Thematic priorityInformation and Communications Technologies (ICT) TopicApproved under 1 st call of the ICT priority in the strategic objective “Cracking the language barrier” Duration36 months (From 2015-02-01 to 2018-02-01) BudgetApproximately 3M€ Coordinated byHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin Consortium10 organizations from 6 European countries

5 TraMOOC in a nutshell Objectives & expected impacts TraMOOC aims to make existing monolingual educational material available to speakers of other languages. The project’s vision is to tear down language barriers, thus providing previously excluded groups of people with new educational chances. The project results will be showcased and tested on the Iversity MOOC platform and on the VideoLectures.Net digital video lecture library. The core of the service will be open-source, with some premium add-on services which will be commercialised. The translation methodology is automatic and language-independent in nature and will be showcased for 11 indicative language pairs - 9 EU (DE, IT, PT, DU, BG, EL, PL, CS and CR), and 2 BRIC languages (RU and ZH). Author Name 5DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

6 TraMOOC in a nutshell Main novelties Novel research in online and open education o Novel translation evaluation schemata o Added value to existing tools and resources in linguistics, natural language processing, text analytics, data mining and machine translation scientific communities o Topic identification of the source and translated text o Sentiment analysis on users’ posts on fora and social websites will be used for extracting users’ opinion on the translated material Author Name 6DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

7 TraMOOC in a nutshell Main novelties Novel exploitation activities: o Global positioning via UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning o Creation of European Open Education Consortium o Deployment into the Opencast Matterhorn platform (800 institutions) o Start-up Author Name 7DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

8 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project Objectives WHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 8DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

9 Project Motivation MOOCs have been growing rapidly in size and impact Author Name 9 DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO * Source: This year, the number of universities offering MOOCs has doubled to exceed 400 universities, with a doubling of the number of cumulative courses offered, to 2400. It is estimated that 16-18 million students attend MOOCs worldwide*.

10 Project Motivation Yet the language barrier constitutes a major growth impediment in reaching all people and educating all citizens. TraMOOC aims at tackling this impediment by developing high- quality translation of all types of text genres included in MOOCs (e.g. reading material, presentations, assignments, video lecture subtitles, MOOC forum blog text) from English into 11 European and BRIC languages, which constitute strong use cases, are hard to translate into and have weak MT support. Author Name 10DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

11 Project Motivation TraMOOC intends to address the needs of: o European and world citizens, who want access to open online education that is not constrained by language barriers. o MOOC providers, who wish to offer high-quality, integrated multilingual educational services. o Machine Translation developers, who need a platform for promoting, testing and comparing their solutions. o Language Technology engineers, who want access to accurate linguistic infrastructure with wide coverage, even for less widely spoken languages. Author Name 11DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

12 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project ObjectivesWHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 12DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

13 Project Objectives The main objective of the project is to create a translation service for the educational material of MOOCs. To achieve this goal, the project will pursue the following challenging scientific and technological objectives: o Generation of high-quality machine translations o Establishment of a new, appropriate, standardized, multi-level evaluation schema for determining the value of the produced translations o Automatic bootstrapping of new resources for languages that are fragmentarily or weakly equipped with infrastructure o Development of a machine translation process which will be language- independent Author Name 13DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

14 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project Objectives WHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 14DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

15 Project Structure SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Work Description WP4: Machine Translation WP5: Explicit Translation Evaluation WP2: Architecture and Requirements Analysis WP3: Data Collection and Infrastructure Exploration/ Adaptation/ Bootstrapping SA-1 SA-2 WP6: Implicit Translation Evaluation WP7: System Integration/ Expandability/ Updateability WP8: System Viability/ Exploitation/ Commercialization WP9: Dissemination and Diffusion WP1: Management and Coordination Author Name 15DD/MM/YYYY

16 TraMOOC System Architecture SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Work Description TraMOOC’s architecture is comprised of four main components: o User Interface / Web- based Service o Translation Engines o Evaluation Component o Crowdsourcing Activities Author Name 16DD/MM/YYYY

17 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project Objectives WHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 17DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

18 The TraMOOC Platform SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Author Name 18DD/MM/YYYY For the first time… o A translation platform will offer translation services for 11 languages and will be open and available to everyone o A translation platform focuses on high quality machine translation, even though the targeted languages include weakly supported languages as well as languages that have proved to be hard to translate into in previous MT solutions o New services will be offered which focus on translating various types of educational MOOC text, which are currently not serviced by any of the existing translation platforms

19 The TraMOOC Platform SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Author Name 19DD/MM/YYYY The core of the service will be open-source with some premium add-on services such as: o professional translation, o transcription and subtitling services, o support for additional MT target languages, and o multilingual review services for students’ assignments by domain experts in the target languages.

20 Table of contents TraMOOC in a nutshellSUMMARY Project MotivationWHY? Project Objectives WHAT? Work DescriptionHOW? The TraMOOC PlatformRESULT? The TraMOOC ConsortiumWHO? Author Name 20DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

21 The TraMOOC Consortium Consortium Members o TraMOOC brings together a consortium of leading researchers, highly relevant industry organizations and leading use-case partners. o The partners’ diverse interests in machine translation, linguistics, text mining web analytics and crowdsourcing methodologies-related areas make the consortium ideally placed to tackle the challenges associated with TraMOOC. o The design of the scientific areas and the associated work packages have been arranged carefully to ensure maximum efficiency of input from each partner while maintaining a suitable distribution of responsibilities. Author Name 21DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO

22 The TraMOOC website Author Name 22DD/MM/YYYY SUMMARYWHYWHATHOWRESULTWHO Find out more about the TraMOOC project and platform at

23 This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of the TraMOOC Consortium or the company referred to in the slides. It may contain information subject to intellectual property rights. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. Reproduction or circulation of this document to any third party is prohibited without the consent of the author(s). The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the TraMOOC consortium and represent the opinion and findings of the author(s). All rights reserved. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644333. Author Name 23DD/MM/YYYY

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