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Organic Foods vs. Conventional Foods By Savannah and Owen 4th grade L.E.A.P.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Foods vs. Conventional Foods By Savannah and Owen 4th grade L.E.A.P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Foods vs. Conventional Foods By Savannah and Owen 4th grade L.E.A.P.

2 What is Organic Food? Organic food is from farms that only use natural and organic materials

3 What is Conventional Food? Conventional food is from farms that use chemical fertilizers and growth hormones to increase growth.

4 What ’ s the Difference? Conventional farming uses chemicals to promote growth in plants and animals.

5 Organic Fertilization Organic farmers use compost to fertilize instead of harmful chemicals that can hurt animals/people/the produce.

6 Conventional Fertilization Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers

7 Controlling Pests, Diseases, and Weeds Organically Organic farmers use other insects to eat the bad insects they also plan ahead

8 Controlling Pests, Diseases, and Weeds Conventionally Conventional farmers use insecticides and herbicides.

9 Benefits for the Environment Organic foods are better for the environment because Organic farmers do not use chemicals or pesticides and they can hurt plants and/or animals.

10 How did the Organic Food Market Begin? Organic food was originally grown by ancient people. Then in the 1930’s, there was a reaction to the use of chemical additives in people’s food.

11 Can it Produce Enough Food? Yes, it will take slightly longer though. But if conventional farmers decide to be organic we will have more organic foods and food stores will receive it faster!!!!!

12 Which is Healthier? It is healthier to eat organic food because there are no pesticides or harmful chemicals.

13 Why is Organic Expensive? Organic foods are more expensive because it takes more work/time for the farmers. Plus, you are eating better!

14 What’s the Shelf Life? Organic foods have a longer shelf life because it is more fresh. They are more fresh because it is usually grown locally.

15 Foods You Can Buy That Are Organic or Conventional Bread Chicken Pizza Pasta Cookies

16 How do You Know if it’s Organic? Look for labels that say 100 percent organic. Find USDA labels to make sure that you don’t have a fraud 100 percent tomato! A more accurate way to make sure your food is organic is look at the label and look at the tiny little numbers, and if the label starts with a 9 you KNOW its organic!!!

17 Where can I find Organic Food? Wegmans or almost any food market like Whole Foods.


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