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Which image is the odd one out?. Title: LO: Biological Control Know what a pest is. Describe what is meant by a pesticide Know what biological control.

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Presentation on theme: "Which image is the odd one out?. Title: LO: Biological Control Know what a pest is. Describe what is meant by a pesticide Know what biological control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which image is the odd one out?


3 Title: LO: Biological Control Know what a pest is. Describe what is meant by a pesticide Know what biological control is.

4 What is a pesticide? Pests are animals that harm plants that we want to grow. Pesticides are chemicals that kill pests.

5 Organic farmers do not spray manufactured chemicals on their crops Why does the heron get more poison than the fish? What would happen to a predator that ate the heron?

6 Pesticides in the Food Chain Tomato plant 1 aphid receives 1 lacewing eats 1 blue tit eats Peregrine falcon is sprayed with 5 molecules of 100 aphids & 10 lacewing & eats 5 blue tits Insecticide. insecticide. receives 500 receives 5,000 & receives molecules of molecules of 25,000 molecules insecticide insecticide. of insecticide Bio-accumulation is the build up of poisons along a food chain

7 DDT is a persistent poison. It builds up along the food chain. DDT – friend or foe? What do you think? And why? DDT saves lives! It kills mosquitoes that carry malaria. DDT helps protect crops from locusts. They can eat tonnes of food in a few days. DDT prevents people from starving to death. We all have some DDT inside us now because it persists in the environment. We have poisoned ourselves with this dreadful chemical. DDT has driven some birds of prey almost to extinction. It would have been better if we’d never invented it!

8 Biological Pest Control Biological pest control uses Predators to get rid of pests instead of using chemical pesticides

9 Evaluating the use of Pesticides AdvantagesDisadvantages Higher yield of crops = more money Expensive to buy equipment and pesticide Fast actingNon-selective Acts against a wide range of pests Harmful to the environment Less manual labour

10 Homework! Research Task: Research the difference in price between organic and inorganic foods. You can do this by looking in your local super market or online using the supermarket online shop website. What do you notice about the difference in price? Why do you think there is a difference in price?

11 Write a food chain starting with a tomato plant including a slug a hedgehog and a fox?

12 Pesticides L.O: To create a poster to explain how our food is grown.

13 What is a pesticide? Pests are animals that harm plants that we want to grow. Pesticides are chemicals that kill pests.

14 Bio-accumulation of Pesticides in the Food Chain Tomato plant 1 aphid receives 1 lacewing eats 1 blue tit eats Peregrine falcon is sprayed with 5 molecules of 100 aphids & 10 lacewing & eats 5 blue tits Insecticide. insecticide. receives 500 receives 5,000 & receives molecules of molecules of 25,000 molecules insecticide insecticide. of insecticide Bio-accumulation is the build up of poisons along a food chain

15 Evaluating the use of Pesticides AdvantagesDisadvantages Higher yield of crops = more money Expensive to buy equipment and pesticide Fast actingNon-selective Acts against a wide range of pests Harmful to the environment Less manual labour

16 Level D: Effects TaskComplete 3 Do you know of any science that affects you or other people in the world? I can... say why farmers use pesticides on their fields. 4 Give any good and bad points about how science affects people around the world. I can... Describe why using pesticides is a good and bad thing. Explain what happens to other living things when pesticides are used on the farmers’ field using a food chain. 5 Describe how technology has helped science and how science helps technology. Explain how science has affected different groups of people in society. I can... Describe how a green house is designed to grow crops and give plants the things they need to grow. Explain how the use of pesticides has affected the lives of people. (think about how it helps to grow more crops and prevent disease) 6 Explain how the science will affect different groups of people, e.g. Economic, social or cultural. Try to explain why the science has developed erratically, due to the changes in technology and society. I can... Suggest other methods of farming than growing crops in fields with pesticides (intensive farming) and write about the advantages and disadvantages of using them. How has technology improved growing crops? (think about the greenhouses video. How did the greenhouse give the plants everything they need to grow?)

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