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E DUCATION D EPARTMENT M D/26 F ALL C ONFERENCE Bill O’Neill & Jan Wright October 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "E DUCATION D EPARTMENT M D/26 F ALL C ONFERENCE Bill O’Neill & Jan Wright October 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 E DUCATION D EPARTMENT M EETING @ D/26 F ALL C ONFERENCE Bill O’Neill & Jan Wright October 10, 2014

2 Update you on Governing Board NewsUpdate you on Governing Board News 1 Conversation about ABC, Seamanship, OTW trainingConversation about ABC, Seamanship, OTW training 2 Plans for 2015Plans for 2015 3 Today’s Agenda

3 Governing Board News SN requirements clarified New pricing model – registration fee Boat Skills Virtual Trainer ID recertification Online courses New marketing efforts

4 ABC, Seamanship, OTW Is ABC working as it should? Sequencing of ABC and Seamanship updates How to integrate OTW in standard courses Choices – POTW – BOC, including planned central support

5 FY2015 Plans—Instructors Instructor cadre/capacity Who’s Who in D/26 Of all active instructors, by course Using technology To link in best instructors To help new instructors observe & gain supervised experience Delivery of ID modules on OTW and DL Continued focus on recognition

6 2014-2015 Delivery Classroom Increased use of multi-site delivery On-the-water Increased use of students’ boats Continue focus on integrating OTW with advanced courses Acknowledge Planning Committee request for central BOC support On-line Encouraging Squadrons to promote online education, for members and the public

7 FY2015 Member Courses District calendar Encourage early planning & registration in Publish quarterly calendar in 026True & D/26 website Celebrate member achievement Just-in-Time recognition and at District events Cross support for civic service Coop charting Vessel examiners

8 Celebrating Success Traditional Ways Chapman Award, Teaching Aids BOC levels, EdPro & EdAch Wolf-Ewing, Prince Henry, Carol McVey Innovation Need something NEW & FUN! New OTW activity that Catches the Spirit? Integrated with C&R? More 100 th Anniversary celebration?

9 FY2015 Budget Had $900 in 2013-2014 Approved uses: DEO/ADEO travel Request for 2014-2015 DEO/ADEO travel $500 for District BOC support—not included as additional grant money is still available $500 to help Squadrons with PR—subject to approval by Conference

10 D26 Is Here to Help D/26 team is here to help We need Squadrons’ help, too Be willing to try new tools & approaches together Participate in GoToMeeting consultations Keep HQ systems up to date on planned and completed courses Share stories and pictures of educational activities Thank you!

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