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Classifying European Institutions of Higher Education Phase II Frans van Vught.

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Presentation on theme: "Classifying European Institutions of Higher Education Phase II Frans van Vught."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classifying European Institutions of Higher Education Phase II Frans van Vught

2 European Higher Education  Diversity is a strength  But what do we know about it?

3  Diversity: the level of variety in a system at a specific point in time  Differentiation: the process in which the diversity of a system increases Definitions

4  external diversity: differences between entities in a system  internal diversity: differences within entities in a system A General Distinction

5  systemic/structural/institutional diversity: the level of variety in different types of institutions  program diversity: the level of variety in types of programs offered In Higher Education

6  A European system during the Middle Ages  Three types of institutions in Early Modern Europe (1500-1800) History of Diversity in European Higher Education  National systems in Modern Europe (1800-)

7  From a European system to national systems  Formalisation of diversity in national regulation History of Diversity in European Higher Education  Increasing but ‘hidden’ institutional diversity

8  Sorbonne declaration (1998): ‘Harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education systems’  Bologna declaration (1999): ‘to achieve greater compatibility and comparability … taking full respect of the diversity of cultures, languages, national education systems and of university autonomy’ The European Higher Education Area (EHEA); Intentions

9  increasing implementation of structural changes (two or three cycles, ECTS, Diploma Supplement)  different national interpretations The European Higher Education Area (EHEA); Outcomes  large variety of operationalisations Trends Reports 2003, 2005, 2007:

10  Macro-level structural convergence  Large (increased?) meso- and micro-level diversity Diversity in the European Higher Education Area; General Picture

11  recreation of a European system (structural convergence)  still diversity between national systems Diversity in the European Higher Education Area; General Picture  large, ‘hidden’ institutional diversity remains

12  diversity is a strength  make diversity transparent! Classifying European Institutions of Higher Education

13  Carnegie Classification (USA): 1973, 1976, 1994, 2000, 2006  Chinese higher education classification: 2007 Classifications are International Phenomena

14  tool for research  transparency instrument (various stakeholders) Functions of Higher Education Classifications  base for governmental policies  instrument for institutional strategies (profile, mission)  instrument for better ranking

15  transparency for students  transparency for business & industry and other organisations Stakeholders’ Interests  transparency for policy makers  transparency for researchers  profiling instrument for higher education institutions

16  stakeholders approach: exploration and discussions  first phase: basic design principles The Classification Project  first phase: first set of schemes and indicators  second phase: second adapted set of schemes and indicators

17  inclusive for all European HEIs  a posteriori information The Classification Project: design principles  multi-dimensional  focus on ‘objective’ data  non-hierarchical

18  non-prescriptive  flexible The Classification Project: design principles  parsimonious regarding extra data- needs  related to European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies

19 The Classification Project: first set of schemes Education Types of degrees offered Range of subjects offered Orientation of degrees European educational profile

20 The Classification Project: first set of schemes Research and Innovation Research intensiveness Innovation intensiveness European research profile

21 The Classification Project: first set of schemes Student and Staff Profile International orientation Involvement in life long learning

22 The Classification Project: first set of schemes Institutional Characteristics Size Mode of delivery Community services Public/private character Legal status

23  analysis of existing data sources  in-depth case studies The Classification Project: The second phase  survey; to assess relevance, validity, reliability and feasibility

24 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators Education Research and innovation International orientation Community engagement Size and setting

25 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators  Highest degree offered (degree level)  degrees/diplomas granted per level  Subject mix  Orientation of programmes  number of programmes offered for licensed professions  Involvement in LLL  number of mature (> 30 years) students as % of total enrollment Education

26 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators  Research intensiveness  peer reviewed publications per academic staff  scientometric ‘crown’ indicator  Innovation intensiveness  Financial volume privately funded research as % of total financial volume  Number of start-ups  Number of filed patents  Income from licensing Research and innovation

27 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators  Teaching and staff  international degree seeking students as % of total number of students  incoming international/European exchange students as % of total number of students  outgoing international/European exchange students as % of total number of students  joint international programmes as % of total number of programmes offered  programmes offered abroad  fte international academic staff as % of total academic staff International orientation

28 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators International orientation  Research  Financial turnover in EU research programmes as % of total financial research volume

29 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators  Size  Total number of students (per degree level)  Total number of fte’s academic staff  Total financial turn over per year  Mode of delivery  distance learning programmes as %  Part-time programmes as %  Public/private character  Income from government sources as % of total income  Legal status size and settings

30 The Classification Project: 2nd set of schemes & indicators  Cultural engagement  Number of concerts  Number of exhibitions  Regional engagement  Graduates in the region  Turnover in EU structural funds  Extra-curricula courses for region  Importance of regional income Community engagement

31  work in progress  further statistical analyses The Classification Project: Next steps  develop on-line tool  reduce number of schemes (elective schemes)  communication process with stakeholders and preview  institutionalisation and ownership

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