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Circulatory/Lymphatic systems.  Revision Quiz – on Blood in Notes link  The Heart  Different circulatory systems  Lymphatic system  Transport of.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory/Lymphatic systems.  Revision Quiz – on Blood in Notes link  The Heart  Different circulatory systems  Lymphatic system  Transport of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory/Lymphatic systems

2  Revision Quiz – on Blood in Notes link  The Heart  Different circulatory systems  Lymphatic system  Transport of nutrients

3  Complete revision quiz on Blood in Notes Links

4  8nPU&feature=related 8nPU&feature=related  On the heart


6  Read pp. 136 – 138 and summarise  Don’t forget the Glossary terms

7  Closed circulatory system  Open circulatory system  Read p.140 and fill in the missing blanks in the Notes link

8  Series of vessels that collect excess tissue fluid around cells and return to the Heart  Lymph capillaries are blind-ending, thin- walled and begin in spaces between tissue cells.  One-way system.  Has valves

9  Plasma transport nutrients to all living cells  Product of digestion  Enzymes break down large molecules to compounds small enough to cross cell membranes  Read pp. 141 – 142 and fill out the table in the Notes link.

10  Simple Sugars  Amino Acids  Lipids  Fill out the missing blanks in Notes Link

11  Heart Practical

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