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Association with the Gilda Virtual Organization Certificate,VO membership, and MyProxy Server usage.

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Presentation on theme: "Association with the Gilda Virtual Organization Certificate,VO membership, and MyProxy Server usage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association with the Gilda Virtual Organization Certificate,VO membership, and MyProxy Server usage

2 Content Part1: Request and download a certificate. (The certificate will be created in your browser in pk12 format. However the P-Grade Portal uses certificates in pem format, therefore you must convert the certificate file and additionally generate an associated private key file – also in pem format ) Part2:Request Gilda VO membership upon your existing pk12 certificate in your browser ( will not be accepted immediately ) Part3: Creation and usage of a Myproxy Account using the P-Grade Portal

3 General remark: Gilda is an insulated educational Test bed. It has the advantage that it has an own Certificate Authority (CA) which issues Certificates without real personal identification. It has the drawback that these type of certificates have been issued by the Gilda CA are not accepted by other VO-s of the EGEE Grid community.

4 Part 1. Get Certificate 1.Go here: 2. Fill the form: 3. Wait for email! Click on the “Submit the request” button

5 First E-mail notification from Gilda : Go here, to download the certificate in your browser.

6 Download Certificate from your Browser( in case of Firefox) Step 1. Go to Options/Advanced/View Certificates in your Firefox browser Step 2. Select the gilda certificate and hit button “Backup” Step 3. You will be prompted to store the certificate file in the local file system Step 4. You will be prompted to protect certificate file with a “Backup password”

7 Create the pem files on the local machine using “openssl” Step1: Create the certificate file “gildausercert.pem” from the pk12 file “gilda1.p12” gained from the browswer: openssl pkcs12 -in gilda1.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out gildausercert.pem Note: Backup password (see previous slide) will be requested! Step2: Create the private key file “gildauserkey.pem” from the pk12 file “gilda1.p12” gained from the browswer: openssl pkcs12 -in gilda1.p12 -nocerts -out gildauserkey.pem Note 1: Backup password will be requested! Note 2: You will be prompted to define a new password in order to protect the “userkey.pem” file to be created (This password worth to be remembered on long run! It will be required when you upload your certificate on a MyProxy server. See Slide 17)

8 Part 2 Request Gilda VO membership Caveat ! Use the same browser in which you have received the Gilda certificate. Step 1 accept the rules Step 2 request VO membership The proper links are in the received e-mail

9 First E-mail notification from Gilda: (VO request/ Step1) Go here to see and accept the rules governing the Gilda community

10 Form of Gilda Use Policy to be accepted Accept the rules governing the Gilda community

11 First E-mail notification from Gilda: : (VO request/ Step2) Go to the link to get the VO membership request form

12 Request form of GILDA VO membership You will get a second letter prompting you to confirm your request: Confirm the registration

13 Second letter from Gilda: Go to the link (using the browser with the Gilda certificate) to conform the request You have to wait for a third letter:

14 Third letter from Gilda:

15 Part 3. The certificate and private key pem files will be used to create a user account on a MyProxyServer This account will be used to download a short term ProxyCertificate on the P-Grade Portal Server when a workflow submission is needed Operations related Part 3 will be executed on the P-Grade Portal

16 Main view of Certificate Portlet Button “Upload” will be used to create a user certificate account on the a MyProxy server

17 Create a User Account on a MyProxy server This password has been defined on Slide 7. These files have been defined on Slide 7. Define a name for the User Account Define a password for the User Account Confirm the creation of the User Account URL of selected MyProxyServer

18 MyProxy User Account created! Button “Download” will be used to create short time proxy certificates on the base of the created User Account.

19 Create and download a short term proxy certificate from a MyProxy server Name of the User Account has been defined on Slide 17. Password of the User Account Confirm the creation and downloading of a proxy certificate on to the Portal Server URL of selected MyProxyServer

20 Confirmation of the successful download of the Proxy Certificate The system prompts you to associate a Virtual Organization to the existing short term proxy certificate

21 Associate a VO with the selected short term Proxy Certificate Caution: As the base certificate is restricted to the Gilda infrastructure (see Slide 3) only the associated “gilda_GLITE_BROKER” is worth to be selected

22 Closing Remark To ensure the security chain three different passwords have been used: 1.“Backup password” to protect the downloaded Certificate file. (Slides 6, 7) 2.Private Key File path phrase to protect Certificate in pem format (Slides 7, 17) 3.The password to protect the User Account on the MyProxy Server (Slides 17, 19 )

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