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Transitions MJ Barnes SOURCE, IMOPAT AND Robotic Collaboration ATO 6.2 HRI portion.

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1 Transitions MJ Barnes SOURCE, IMOPAT AND Robotic Collaboration ATO 6.2 HRI portion

2 ATOs- HRI portions RC – Understand Human robot interactions and develop technologies and interfaces to reduce workload and enhance HRI effectiveness SOURCE-Develop and demonstrate Perception, Intelligence, control and Tactical Behavior technologies that are required for autonomous collaborative unmanned systems (UMS) & Soldiers to conduct safe operations in a dynamic urban environment. IMOPAT- Develop systems and interfaces for manned vehicles 360 degree SA, Soldier monitoring and UMS control

3 Project TitleNotesPartnersYears (estimates) DARECollaboration with Robotics CTA ArtisTechFY07 – FY09 Applying Metrics for Evaluating Advanced Decision Architectures and the DARE Environment Lists Robotics ATO as potential customer UWF, Klein Associates, OSU CSEL FY09 Haptic Devices and Prototype Systems Tactical displays and innovations have been used in the robotics control environment (Operator Control Unit) developed by Alion MA&D MITFY02 – FY09 Human Robot Interaction – Guidelines and Interface Support Multiple year project resulted in many pubs, a collaborative experiment, HRI guidelines, and an HRI prototyping tool NMSU, SA Technologies, Alion, NCSU FY05 – FY09 Hosting the 2009 Advances in Human-Robot Interaction Workshop Workshop, hosted 5/09, CEDM special issue forthcoming NMSU, SA Technologies, Alion, NCSU Dynamic Risk Management for Robotic and Sensor Asset Planning: Robustness and Visualization Issues Researched the dynamic allocation of multiple robotic assets across the battlefield; Robotics ATA is listed as customer Alion, OSU LAIRFY06 – FY09 ADA CTA

4 Project TitleNotesPartnersYears (estimates) Integrating Diverse ‘Feeds’ through Perspective Control Researches how to integrate feeds from diverse sources to supports attention management and distributed decision making using decentralized sensors (e.g., unattended sensors, UGVs, UAVs, solider teams) OSU CSELFY07 – FY09 Multi-Modal Information Exchange and Dynamic Adaptation prototype of a hybrid adaptive/adaptable multimodal interface that automatically adjusts, or allows users to adjust, features such as the timing, modality, location, and salience of visual, auditory, and tactile cues to support robust and effective communication and coordination on the modern battlefield UMFY04 – FY09 Integration of a Diagrammatic Reasoning System (DRS) with the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture GRBIL tool has been applied to the problem of robotic span of control AlionFY06 – FY09 ADA CTA

5 Project TitleNotesFeedATO Adaptive automationOngoing UCF ( GMU Parasuraman, Cosenzo, Barnes) MICH (Sarter)RC, IMOPAT MultimodalAPG (Hass), Orlando (Chen) MIT (Jones), MICHRC, SOURCE Perspective Control 3-D Ft. Leonard Wood (Pettijohn) Orlando (Chen) OSU (Woods)RC, IMOPAT, SOURCE General Principles ALL- - Barnes & Jentsch ( 5 chapters) ALION (McDermott), NMSU, SATECH, (Riley) NCSTU (Gillian) ALL Robotic experimentsUpdate rate, Bandwidth, Aerial and Ground views Chen review, exp. ALION, HREDRC ATO Dynamic Risk Management, Diagrammatic reasoning Future robotic planningOSU (Chandra), ALION, CISD, HRED Future ADA CTA

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