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1 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results Josefina Guerrero.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results Josefina Guerrero."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. A Theoretical Survey of User Interface Description Languages: Preliminary Results Josefina Guerrero García 1, Juan M. González Calleros 1, Jean Vanderdonckt 1, & Jaime Muñoz Arteaga 2 1 Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Louvain School of Management (LSM) 2 Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

2 2 November 9-11, 2009 - Mérida, Mexico CLIHC’09 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Some User Interface Description Languages 3.A Review of Xml-Compliant User Interface Description Languages 4.User Interface Description Languages Comparison 5.Conclusion

3 3 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Introduction A User Interface Description Language (UIDL) describes various aspects of a user interface under development. It involves defining a syntax and semantics. A comparative review is produced in order to analyze how they support the various stages of user interface development life cycle.

4 4 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Some UIDLs XISL – eXtensible Interaction Scenario Language. a common language supporting Multimodal interaction that is characterized by three main features: Control dialog flow/transition: from VoiceXML Synchronize input/output modalities: from SMIL Modality-extensibility: ensured by XISL

5 5 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Some UIDLs XMMVR – eXtensible markup language for MultiModal interaction with Virtual Reality worlds.

6 6 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Some UIDLs W3C Recommendations DIAL – Device Independent Authoring Language. EMMA – Extensible Multi Modal Annotation markup language. XForms.

7 7 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Some UIDLs MXML (Adobe) used to describe UI layout and behaviors. Open Laszlo (Laszlo) for rich internet applications. Sisl (Lucent Technologies) is a service logic that is shared across many different UIs, including speech- based natural language interface. XAML (Microsoft) for declarative application programming for the Windows Presentation Foundation. XUL (Mozilla) to build feature-rich cross platform applications that can run connected or disconnected from the Internet

8 8 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. UIDLs

9 9 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. UIDLs

10 10 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Criteria Some problems exist with the previous languages: Specificity Accessibility Relatedness Standard

11 11 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Protocol To identify shortcomings on existing work a series of comparative analysis were conducted using the three axes proposed by [Beaudouin-Lafon 2000]: –Descriptive part. A common ground were defined to describe every piece of work. –Comparative part. A set of criteria were defined to compare the different works. –Generative part. New work emerge from the comparative analysis.

12 UIDL Comparison – © UCL, 2008 Cameleon Reference Framework (CRF) Environment T Final user Interface T Concrete user Interface T Task and Domain T Abstract user Interface T T=Target context of use Concrete user Interface S Final user Interface S Task and Domain S Abstract user Interface S S=Source context of use Reification Abstraction Reflexion Translation Unsupported model Supported model User S Platform SEnvironment SPlatform T User T

13 13 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Cameleon-based UIDL Layered Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations

14 14 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. PlasticML Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations page, output, form, field, value (XForms) HTML, WML 2.0, VoiceXML Code génération

15 15 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. TeresaML Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations Markup: Digital TV, VoiceXML, XHTML/SVG, X+V Programming: C# Code generation Presentation = connections (AND/OR) + composition of interactors Composition = grouping, ordering, relation, hierarchy Interactor = output or interaction (selection, edit, control), … Task: CTT notation Object description: name, class, type, cardinality,…

16 16 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. IDEAL Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations Markup: XForms Code generation (XForms): AIC Facets: Output, input, trigger, submit, range, select, select1 (item, value, Itemset, copy), choice, secret upload (filename, mediatype), alert, hint, help, label Action Events: message (output), send, rebuild, dispatch, revalidate, setfocus, load, refresh, recalculate, setvalue, reset, toggle, insert, delete, setIndex Relations: group, switch (case), repeat, bind (XForms): textArea,

17 17 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. XForms Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations Markup: XForms Code generation AIC Facets: Output, input, trigger, submit, range, select, select1 (item, value, Itemset, copy), choice, secret upload (filename, mediatype), alert, hint, help, label Action Events: message (output), send, rebuild, dispatch, revalidate, setfocus, load, refresh, recalculate, setvalue, reset, toggle, insert, delete, setIndex Relations: group, switch (case), repeat, bind (XForms): textArea,

18 18 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. UsiXML Profile Abstract User Interface (PSM) Concrete User Interface (PIM) Final User Interface Task & domain (CIM) User, platform, environment Transformations Markup: Flash, VRML, WML, XHTML, X+V Programming: C++, Java, Java3D Model to Code generation (M2C) Generative programming, Template based approach AUI = hierarchy of abstract containers (ACs) and Abs. Indiv. Comp. (AICs) and relations AIC = faceted computing: input, output, control, navigation Actiontypes: start/go, stop/exit, select, create, delete, modify, move, duplicate, toggle, view, monitor, convey Relations = structural, temporal CUI = hierarchy of concrete interaction objects (CIOs) + behaviour CIO = graphical / auditory / 3D / hapget Graphical CIO = containers (window, dialog box,…) or indiv. (check box) Auditory CIO = form, group, field, value (VoiceXML) Behaviour = set of ECA rules (events, conditions, actions) Hapget = 3D CIO augmented with haptic parameters Model to Model transformation Transformation = Graph grammar Mapping, transformation model Task = extended CTT, based on Markopoulos LOTOS desc. Domain = UML class diagram + extensions in a profile User population = hierarchy of user stereotypes with param. Platform = subset of CC/PP (UAProf) Environment = physical, psychological, organisat. properties

19 General features of UIDLs 19 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

20 Properties Comparison of UIDLs 20 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

21 Conclusion Six years from now, a first review of UIDLs was conducted. –some works have continue, –there were works with not reported update since then –new UIDLs that have been reported in the literature and are commercially available Over the reviewed languages –software vendors UIDLs –Open UIDLs –Support for single and multiplatform –Some of them are simple (as WSXL or SunML) need a few tags while others (as UsiXML) have a significant amount –some of them are the result of a research project –some other born in industry 21 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

22 Conclusion The goal of this work is aimed to –Help authors to decide what UIDL to use for their projects. –Understand and compare components of different UIDLs in a systematic way –their strengths, limitations, and appropriateness for use. –Reduce the time to select a UIDL –Assist UI designers in choosing a language suited to their purposes. 22 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

23 Conclusion Follow us in –The W3C Incubator Group on Model-Based User Interfaces: based-ui/ based-ui/ –The NEXOF initiative on application models: http://forge.morfeo- cation_Models http://forge.morfeo- cation_Models 23 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

24 24 CLIHC 2009, November 9-11,2009. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Thank you very much for your attention For more information and downloading, User Interface eXtensible Markup Language ITEA2 Call 3 project (2008026)

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