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May 7, 2003 Command and Control Visualization NAVCIITI Tasks 2.1b.

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1 May 7, 2003 Command and Control Visualization NAVCIITI Tasks 2.1b

2 May 7, 2003 Command and Control Visualization Task 2.1b Objectives Extend the DIVERSE API to facilitate its use by Task 2.1a researchers. Personnel: John Kelso, Co-PI Andrew Ray, Dan Larimer, student developers Year 5 Funding: $110,527

3 May 7, 2003 So what is DIVERSE? Software to facilitate the display and creation of device independent virtual environments A framework to support highly reconfigurable asynchronous distributed simulations

4 May 7, 2003 DIVERSE features: Applications run unmodified on all supported devices- real/simulated, local/remote. –With a variety of input/output devices, –With any number of navigation and interaction techniques. –Additional functionality loaded at run-time. Free open source, both cost and redistribution.

5 May 7, 2003 DIVERSE has three modules: DTK- the DIVERSE Toolkit –All non-graphical functionality- I/O, networking –C++ Base classes Other modules us it as a foundation DPF- the DIVERSE graphics interface to Performer –Supports Performer graphics DGL- the DIVERSE graphics interface to OpenGL –Supports OpenGL graphics

6 May 7, 2003 Task 2.1b year 4 accomplishments: Ported DTK to windows Ported input and navigation tools from DPF to DTK –Same tools now used by DGL and DPF Created collaborative virtual worlds using DPF –Multiple networked users share same virtual world –Awareness tools provide information about other users in virtual world, and state of objects in virtual world DGL beta released- support for desktop and immersive configurations

7 May 7, 2003 DIVERSE in the larger community In addition to supporting NAVCIITI task 2.1a, DIVERSE is being used by other VE researchers, because…

8 May 7, 2003 Open source model means developments by one can be used by all: DIVERSE has generated an additional $300,000 in non-Navy funding, but Navy gets to use the work. Open source license has allowed others to use DIVERSE at no cost : Corporate and Government Research labs. Universities and high schools.

9 May 7, 2003 Who else uses DIVERSE? NUWC: Simulation- Based Design slide slide

10 May 7, 2003 Who else uses DIVERSE? NIST: Visualization of complex data sets. Volume visualization Haptic devices for probing data set densities.

11 May 7, 2003 Who else uses DIVERSE? TASC: (IT Division of Northrup-Gruman) Multi-user Battlefield visualization Immersive collaboration tools

12 May 7, 2003 Local DIVERSE projects: Immersive SmokeView Visualization of fire propagation through structures In conjunction with NIST

13 May 7, 2003 Local DIVERSE projects: D_AtomView Collaborative interactive visualization of molecular time-series data

14 May 7, 2003 Task 2.1b year 5 objectives: DGL development: –Release a stable, documented 1.0 version, including example programs –Support for other open-source scenegraphs Currently supports Inventor –Port to other platforms Windows, Mac OS X, Sun Prototype distributed immersive visualization cluster Add security layer to DTK networking

15 May 7, 2003 “The work performed at VT under the NAVCIITI project has had an invaluable impact on the Navy's initiatives to assess virtual reality technology within the context of warfighter needs.” Ken Lima, Principle Investigator at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI

16 May 7, 2003

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