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ROOT REVIEW. ex- OUT OF, or FORMER WORD PARTS Examples excrete = exude or ooze ex + crete = sift exotic = having outer/other world qualities otic = emphazises.

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Presentation on theme: "ROOT REVIEW. ex- OUT OF, or FORMER WORD PARTS Examples excrete = exude or ooze ex + crete = sift exotic = having outer/other world qualities otic = emphazises."— Presentation transcript:


2 ex- OUT OF, or FORMER WORD PARTS Examples excrete = exude or ooze ex + crete = sift exotic = having outer/other world qualities otic = emphazises it into an ADJ ~ neurotic, quixotic, alcoholic exhilarating = invigorating, enlivening (bring the cheer out of you) EX + hilarar = to cheer ~ HILARIOUS List 10

3 archy- Rule, power WORD PARTS Examples hierarchy = ranking of importance/power hier = ranking + ARCHY anarchy = chaos…no order or structure an = without + ARCHY monarchy = rule by one person mono = one + ARCHY List 10

4 geo Earth or ground WORD PARTS Examples geology = Study of earth, ground, surface GEO + logy = study of geophysics = Energy, motion, and forces found on the earth-- oceanography, seismology, magnetism GEO + physi = physical forces geometry = concrete shapes and measurements of them GEO + metry = measure List 10

5 Hyper+ Over, above, beyond ordinary WORD PARTS Examples hyperbole = excessive exaggeration hypertension = high blood pressure hyperactivity = unusually active, loud, annoying List 9

6 Hypo+ Under, beneath, less WORD PARTS Examples hypodermic = parts under the skin hypochondriac = anxiety about one’s health hypothermia = subnormal body temp List 9

7 Endo+ Within WORD PARTS Examples endocrine = internal bodily areas endoskeleton = creature with internal skeleton endorphin = chemicals within the brain released during exercise List 9

8 Pod+ foot WORD PARTS Examples podiatrist = foot doctor iatry = medical practice + ist = one who practices tripod = device having 3 legs tri = 3 podium = small, one-footed platform List 8

9 Homo+ Same, alike WORD PARTS Examples homogeneous = made of same parts gen = basic unit homophobia = unreasoning fear of others, even homosexuals phobia = fear homicide = killing same species cide = act of killing List 8

10 Hetero+ Different, other WORD PARTS Examples heterogeneous = different in structure gen = basic unit heterosexual = sex matters with opposite gender heterosphere = upper atmosphere sphere = layer of gas surrounding earth List 8

11 -logy Science; study of WORD PARTS Examples dermatology = study of skin problems dermi = skin, surface geneology = study of family trees genus = family biology = science of living organisms bio = life List 7

12 bio Life! WORD PARTS Examples amphibious = living on land and in water amphi = both autobiography = self-authored composition auto = self + graphy = writing biopsy = surgical specimen taken for further tests basically, an “opsy” or unit of life List 7

13 cosmo World, universe, order WORD PARTS Examples microcosm = tiny but ordered world micro = small cosmic = related to or located in the universe cosmopolitan = experienced, worldy polis = city List 7

14 A- Not; Not having; Without WORD PARTS Examples amoral = having no sense of right/wrong a = not + moral = right/wrong anarchy = without government; chaos a = not + archy = rule, gov’t anomaly = deviation from normal a = not + (h)oma = same List 6

15 Mono- One, single WORD PARTS Examples monochromatic = one color, not many mono + moral = right/wrong monogram = a mark using one letter mono + archy = rule, gov’t monotheistic = belief in one deity mono + theo = god List 6

16 Poly- Many, multiple WORD PARTS Examples polytechnic = a variety of industrial arts CAL POLY poly + technic = crafts polygon = many sided shape poly + gon = angle or knee polygamy = multiple spouses poly + gamia = act of marrying List 6

17 Eu- Meaning Good, well, advantageous WORD PARTS Examples Eulogize To praise highly Euphemism A substitute, harmless name Euphony Good sounding List 5

18 Macro Meaning Large, long WORD PARTS Examples Macrocosm Total structure of something Macrobiotics Study of longer life Macroscopic Visible to the naked eye List 5

19 Micro Meaning Small, minute WORD PARTS Examples Microorganism Tiny organism Microcosm Small world Microfilm Miniature photographic copy List 5

20 Mis- Error or hatred WORD PARTS Examples mistake = an action taken but wrong mis = error + take = do misogyny = distrust/abuse of women mis = hatred + gyn = female misnomer = name given in error mis = error + nom = name List 4

21 Dis- / Dys- ill, difficult, bad WORD PARTS Examples dysentery = diarrhea dis = ill + entr = inner body dyslexia = difficulty reading/interp’ing words dis = difficulty + lex = printed word disaster = sudden, great loss or damage dis = bad + aster = star/FATE List 4

22 1. MIS- WORD PARTS [root]

23 2. Micro WORD PARTS

24 3. DIS- / DYS- WORD PARTS [root]

25 4. eu WORD PARTS

26 5. macro WORD PARTS

27 6. many WORD PARTS [root]

28 7. HOMO WORD PARTS [root]

29 8. without WORD PARTS [root]

30 9. one WORD PARTS [root]

31 10. -logy WORD PARTS [root]


33 12. EARTH WORD PARTS [root]

34 13. cosmo WORD PARTS [root]

35 14. HETERO WORD PARTS [root]

36 15. hypo POD hypo POD WORD PARTS [root]

37 16. hyper WORD PARTS [root]

38 17. endo WORD PARTS [root]

39 18. -bio WORD PARTS [root]

40 19. FORMER Out of FORMER Out of WORD PARTS [root]

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