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The 1 st Amendment. Religion Assemble Petition Press Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1 st Amendment. Religion Assemble Petition Press Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1 st Amendment

2 Religion Assemble Petition Press Speech

3 Religion Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion The government can not tell you what religion to be or what you must believe. Government can not tell you when or how to practice your faith

4 Assemble the right of the people to peaceably assemble. If you do the proper paperwork, you and your group may have parades, picket business places or have protest marches

5 Petition The right to ask the government to change This is usually done in the form of signing your name to a “Petition” and then giving it to the government Petitioning can also be done by directly calling, e-mailing or talking to your government officials, asking them to change policy

6 Press The government can not do anything to limit the Freedom of Press The news media can print any story they want as long as it is true and as long as it does not present a Clear and Present Danger (Government Secrets) Lying in the press is called Libel

7 Speech Government can not tell you what you can and can’t say You can’t create a Clear and Present Danger. (endanger someone’s life) You can not tell lies (Slander) Obscenity: The government can censor bad language or sexual content. (Movie Ratings & Parent Advisory Labels)

8 Bill of Rights

9 1 st Amendment Guarantees: Freedom of Expression

10 1 st Amendment Rights: -Freedom of Religion The right to practice whatever faith you desire as long as you do not infringe upon anyone else’s rights. The government cannot tell you what to believe. There is no national religion.

11 1 st Amendment Rights: -Right to Assemble You are able to have a gathering or a parade as long as the proper paperwork and permits are filled out.

12 1 st Amendment Rights: -Right to Petition This is the right to ask government to change. The most common use is getting signatures to give to the government.

13 1 st Amendment Rights: -Freedom of the Press This is the right of the press (newspapers/TV news) to write stories and opinions without having to worry about the government arresting them. Limits: The press cannot LIBEL. (Tell lies)

14 1 st Amendment Rights: -Freedom of Speech (AmelaIbisevic’s Favorite ) -Freedom of Speech (Amela Ibisevic’s Favorite ) This is the right to say what you want, but you cannot infringe on someone else’s rights. (people have the right not to hear bad language) Limits- Slander (telling lies)

15 2 nd Amendment Guarantees: -Right to keep and bear arms for a well armed militia. Limits: Citizens can have weapons as long as they meet all of the requirements. 18, no criminal record & valid permits. For automatic weapons there are special permits and fees ($) Knifes: blades need to be certain lengths & can’t be switchblade, butterfly or stiletto.

16 3 rd Amendment Guarantees: -No one can be forced to quarter soldiers in peacetime. (You don’t have to keep soldiers in your house if you don’t want to)

17 4 th Amendment Protects: -People from unreasonable searches and seizures. Police must have warrants signed by a judge, with the date of search, listing where they will search and for what.

18 4 th Amendment Protects: -The 3 Reasons a police officers don’t need Search Warrants: -If it is in Plain Sight -If you give Permission -Or Exigent Circumstances, or an emergency

19 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -No one can be forced to speak against themselves in a criminal case. -This is called taking the 5 th. You don’t have to tell on yourself. This also means that you may remain silent during police questioning. You do need to give your name and address however.

20 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -No one can be tried without an indictment by a grand jury. This means the grand jury must think there is enough evidence to put you on trial.

21 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -No one can be tried twice for the same crime. That would be Double Jeopardy. Meaning once you are found innocent, you can not be put back on for that same crime.

22 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -No one can lose life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness without due process of law. This means if the government is going to punish you or take something from you, there are steps they must follow.

23 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -Govt. can not use private property for public use without paying a fair price for it. This means the government can take your property, but they must prove it will benefit more people then pay you what it is worth.

24 5 th Amendment Guarantees: -People put on trial and have the right to have people testify for them, even if they don’t want to. (A Subpoena is a court order telling people they have to testify in court) -The accused person also has the right to question those who testify against them.

25 6 th Amendment Guarantees: -Right to a speedy and public trial. Your trial must be set on the closest open date available. Your trial must also be public. That way it would be harder for your rights to taken from you.

26 6 th Amendment Guarantees: -Right to question and obtain witnesses. You (or your lawyer) have the right to question witnesses who are testifying against you. You may also call witnesses who will help your case.

27 6 th Amendment Guarantees: -Right to have a lawyer. You have the right to bring a lawyer to court to help in your defense. The government must also provide a lawyer for you if you can’t afford one.

28 7 th Amendment Guarantees: -A jury trial in civil cases. This explains the right to sue. It also describes the small claims court system.

29 8 th Amendment Prohibits: -Unusually high bails and fines. You are allowed to stay out of jail during your trial if you post bail. The bail must fit the crime. Your bail cannot be $1,000,000.00 for an unpaid speeding ticket.

30 8 th Amendment Prohibits: -Forbids cruel and unusual punishment. Meaning: All punishments must fit the crimes committed. Death penalty for only certain crimes like murder. There are 5 kinds of death penalty used in this country: Electric chair, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber & lethal injection (Missouri)

31 9 th Amendment Gives rights not mentioned in the Constitution to the people. You have more rights than are listed in the Constitution.

32 10 th Amendment Reserves: -All power not given to the national govt. or denied to the states, or the people Meaning: That if a power is not written in the Constitution, that power belongs to the state.

33 Amendments 11-27

34 11 th Amendment Limits suits brought against a state in federal court by individuals from other states or foreign countries.

35 12 th Amendment Changes the procedures for electing President and Vice President. The President and Vice run together.

36 13 th Amendment Abolishes slavery in the United States. This ended slavery.

37 14 th Amendment Guarantees: -States may not interfere w/ U.S. citizens privileges. -States may not deny a citizen due process of law or equal protection under the law. -Defines American citizenship.

38 15 th Amendment Guarantees: -Right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

39 16 th Amendment -Allows Congress to levy and collect taxes on income.

40 17 th Amendment Requires direct election of Senators.

41 18 th Amendment Prohibits the making, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.

42 19 th Amendment Guarantees: -Suffrage to women. (Right to Vote)

43 20 th Amendment Changes the start of congressional and presidential terms.Changes the start of congressional and presidential terms. Provides for cases in which a presidential or vice presidential candidate fails to qualify or dies before taking office.Provides for cases in which a presidential or vice presidential candidate fails to qualify or dies before taking office.

44 21 st Amendment Repealed 18 th Amendment

45 22 nd Amendment Forbids President from serving more than two terms.

46 23 rd Amendment Gives Washington D.C. residents electoral votes based on population, but no more than the least populous state.

47 24 th Amendment Abolished poll taxes

48 25 th Amendment Provided order of succession for the President.

49 26 th Amendment Gives right to vote to any citizen over 18.

50 27 th Amendment The Twenty-seventh Amendment provides that any change in Congressianl Salaries may only take effect after the beginning of the next term of office for Senators & Reprsentatives.

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