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Adapted from “Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”“Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”

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Presentation on theme: "Adapted from “Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”“Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapted from “Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”“Best Practices for Student Learning, Assessment in Online Courses”

2 Specific and Measurable Can use a variety of assessments to verify achievement of the learning outcomes Formative and Summative

3 Provide faculty & students with regular feedback on mastery of course module outcomes; faculty use results to refine instruction & students rely on results to identify areas for further study I consider all Moodle quizzes, crossword puzzles, most online assignments to be formative Weekly modules Essentially open-book Low stakes points

4 Results used to assign grades & make summary conclusions about course outcome mastery; goal is not diagnostic feedback but accountability Written exams, major projects and papers, final practical exams

5 Recommendations High stakes exams NOT online Exams weighted at 150% & higher grading scale i.e. 92% for “A” Offset “extra” formative assessment points Address potential issues related to plagiarism and cheating with projects and papers Include statements: Any evidence of plagiarism or copying from another student will result in a zero for this assignment and any others in the course and students may be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs for further sanctions. TurnitIn- requesting in next budget cycle

6 Discussion posts Quizzes SoftChalk Video critiques Self assessment and video of technique performed Peer review Weekly competency evaluations

7 Midterm and final exams Papers Projects Portfolios Presentations Lab Practicals CCA

8  Optimal strategy is to use a variety of assessment techniques to measure student learning  Reserve constructed response assessments & simulations to measure higher-order skills & competencies  Employ fixed-choice assessments to test knowledge & lower-order skills

9 Constructed responses require students to "construct" or develop their own answers without the benefit of any suggestions or choices. Students generate and intertwine their ideas into a response that is directly related to the item. Students generate a response in the form of a few sentences, a graphic organizer, or a simple drawing/diagram with explanation.

10  Fixed-choice assessments, constructed response measures, & simulations may be used for formative & summative purposes  Online discussions & brief fixed-choice assessments ideally suited for formative assessment goals  i.e. Moodle quizzes  Constructed response exercises requiring integration of course content appropriate for summative evaluation

11  Knowledge: multiple-choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blank, short answer  Application: multiple-choice, short answer, essay  Analysis and higher order behaviors: multiple- choice, essay, project, portfolio, simulation, presentation, paper

12 Assessment: Formative & Summative Purpose: Foster Critical Thinking Clinical Decision Making Example: Moodle Lesson Case Studies 102 Group Case Study Individual Case Study

13 Assessment: Formative Purpose: Assess skills Reflect on experiences Critically think Apply newly learned content Example: Video critique Rubric

14 Assessment: Formative Purpose: Critically think Interact with classmates Example: Moodle Complications and Contraindications

15 Assessment: Summative Purpose: Critically think Reflect on original ideas Tie in literature Example: Chiropractors and Adverse Drug Events (Pharmacology paper) Chiropractors and Adverse Drug Events (Pharmacology paper)

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