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14 TH Commercial sub-committee meeting UI &REC Audit Talcher II scheduling SEM DATATransmission pricing AMR Others.

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Presentation on theme: "14 TH Commercial sub-committee meeting UI &REC Audit Talcher II scheduling SEM DATATransmission pricing AMR Others."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 TH Commercial sub-committee meeting UI &REC Audit Talcher II scheduling SEM DATATransmission pricing AMR Others

2 Audit of SR UI & Reactive accounts Reconciliation statement sent on 27.10.2010 Response received from NLC stg I &II,NLC I Expn, TNEB,KPTCL,KSEB Reconciliation statement for Oct 10 also sent on 16.11.10statement

3 Scheduling of Talcher stg II Clause 6.4 of IEGC The national interconnected grid is divided into control areas, like Regional ISTS, States, DVC, etc. where the load dispatch centre or system operator of the respective control area controls its generation and/or load to maintain its interchange schedule with other control areas whenever required to do so and contributes to frequency regulation of the synchronously operating system. The Load Despatch Centre of a control area therefore is responsible for coordinating the scheduling of a generating station, within the control area, real time monitoring the station’s operation, checking that there is no gaming (gaming is an intentional mis-declaration of a parameter related to commercial mechanism in vogue, in order to make an undue commercial gain) in its availability declaration or in any other way revision of availability declaration and injection schedule, switching instructions, metering and energy accounting, issuance of UI accounts within the control area, collections/disbursement of UI payments, outageplaning etc.. Control area definition in IEGC: An electrical system bounded by interconnections (tie lines), metering and telemetry which controls its generation and/or load to maintain its interchange schedule with other control areas whenever required to do so and contributes to frequency regulation of the synchronously operating system.

4 Why SRLDC ? Minimal to and fro co-ordination between RLDC’s and SLDc’s in case of scheduling process involving surrender,recall etc. Less time in to and fro communication Right from planning to implementation Talcher II is apart of SR system. Only geographically located in ER system SR boundary is upto Talcher AC I/C & Jeypore end of Gazuwaka line In analogy to 6.4.2c(iii) of IEGC and SoR of IEGC 2010 in para 41.13, the control area jurisdiction of Talcher-II shall be with SRLDC as more than 50% share is to SR constituents.SoR of IEGC 2010 In case of Open Access transaction also the nodal RLDC is that of importing region. On same Anology SRLDC is nodal agency for Talcher-II

5 It plays a vital role in the LGBR of SR SPS already in place for eventualities like unit /pole tripping. Present system is working fine for over 8 years. Continued

6 Extracts from SoR on IEGC dt.18.06.2010 41. Demarcation of responsibilities( Regulation 6.4 of draft grid code regulations) 41.13 This has been done to ensure certainty in the demarcation of responsibilities. The IPP with their business strategy would decide quantum of power to be sold through long term, Medium term and short terms. The connectivity to ISTS and STU system indicates that generator wants to avail this flexibility. As the customer of this type of generator would be in more than one region, RLDC through its communication system would be able to coordinate with more than one regions and also RLDC would be aware of system operating conditions like transmission constraints, Voltage conditions etc and would be in better position to ensure that scheduling to various consumers of the IPP is done optimally on day to day basis. Hence, we have decided that if the host State has more than 50% share of power, then that generating station shall be under the jurisdiction of SLDC, else it shall be under RLDC. Regarding the apprehension of some stakeholders on frequent toggling of control area jurisdiction, it is clarified that the control area jurisdiction is decided on the basis of permanent share of the host State, which will not change frequently, hence frequent toggling would not be there. Moreover, initially when one or two units/ stages of the project will come under commercial operation, the jurisdiction would be more likely with SLDC depending on the share of the host State. On the progressive commissioning of units/ stages, it is more likely that the share of the host State would decrease and become equal to or less than 50%, resulting in shifting of control area jurisdiction from SLDC to RLDC. In future also, when more units are commissioned, it is more likely that the control area jurisdiction will remain with RLDC and there would not be frequent toggling. Regarding the apprehension of some stakeholders about the problem in metering during due to this toggling, it is clarified that the interface meters at CTU and STU interfaces shall be installed as per the CEA regulations on metering. It is further clarified that as switchover of control area would be done expeditiously after the change w.e.f. the next billing period i.e. next week UI accounting there shall not be any problem in energy accounting as anticipated by SLDC, Maharashtra. For inter-State energy accounting, it shall be as per CERC ABT mechanism.

7 SEM STATUS Installation of standby SEMs for NLC feeders: As decided in the Special Committee meeting at Neyveli, SEMs are to be installed by NLC and TNEB at the remote end of 220kV feeders emanating from TS-II stage I. Its more than 6 months but the SEMs are yet to be installed. The status may please be intimated. SEM Time drift monitoring: Time drift monitoring /correction report from following sites not being received LocationUtility LocationUtility MamidapallyAPTRANSCO GutturKPTCL Mehaboobnagar-do- Nelamangala-do- Vemagiri-do- Hoody-do- Chittoor-do- Kadakola-do- Tandur-do- Sedam-do- Sulurpet-do- Bellary-do- Malkaram-do- Konaje-do- Kakatiya TPSAPGENCO Ambewadi-do- AlamathyTNEB Yerandanahally-do- S.P.Coil-do- RaichurKPCL Arni-do- BTPS-do- Acharapakam-do- MAPSNPC Teni-do- Thiruvalam-do- Kuzhithurai-do-

8 Proposal for automatic data reading (AMR) /collection : To avoid delays in SEM data transmission to SRLDC it is proposed to adopt AMR scheme in SR at an estimated cost of Rs.1.5Crores.Schematic representation of AMR is as below.delays in SEM data transmission Hardware required for each location: Modem-1 no, Data Concentrator Unit-1 no Local Computer- 1 no., Remote Computer at SRLDC – 1 no. Cost of Communication on GPRS mode : as per actual.


10 Sl. No.Description Qty. *Unit Rate Rs ** Amount Rs. A For S/S with meters located in Control Room (Aprox. 120 S/S) # 1) All required hardwares i.e. Meter Interfacing Unit/Protocol Comnverter/Optical Probe/ Connectors / Cable for data transfer between meters and Data Concentrator etc. 700Per SEM66024621400 2)Data Concentrator Unit/Data Accumulator (one No. at each location) 120No.22000 2640000 3) GPRS Modem (One No. at each location) 120No.6500 780000 B Common for total Scheme 1) Meter Data Acquisition & Analysis software (For all Data Concentrator Units/Data Accumulators (Approx. 120 Nos.) and Servers at SRLDC (2 Nos.). 1 Lumpsu m 1000000 2) Training to personnel posted at all S/S where scheme will be commisioned and SRLDC. (10 Trainings with a batch of 20-30 participants) 10No. 200000 3)Installation, Testing & Commissioning/Customization cost 700Per SEM2112 1478400 C CENTRAL LOCATION (AT SRLDC) 1) Central server (Including cost of required RDBMS & OS) 1No.175000 2) UPS (2 KVA) 1No.30000 3) GPRS/GSM Modems 1No.6500 D Wararnty / AMC 1) Warranty for 1 year NIL 2) AMC for 1st year after Warranty 700Per SEM806564480 3) AMC for 2nd year after Warranty 800Per SEM853682667 4) AMC for 3rd year after Warranty 900Per SEM894804414 5) AMC for 4th year after Warranty 1000Per SEM929929032 Total 13911893 Bill of Quantities

11 SR DICs to furnish the following for CERC Regulations on Transmission Pricing: a) Entire 110kV network data. b) Wind injections at 110kV level. c) Commissioning dates of all the generating stations, lines and transformers as per Format II. d) Geographical map and a single line diagram showing the network connectivity and voltage levels. e) Data of new projects being commissioned in the current and next Financial year. Long Term/ Medium Term Contracts in Format-IIIA Nodal Injections of MW/MVAr upto 110kV level in Format-IIIB

12 Transferring funds to PSD Fund: As per the decision of First meeting of Management Committee for Power System Development Fund an amount of Rs.364crs from Regional UI pool and Rs. 60lakhs from Reactive pool transferred to Power System Development fund. Regional UI pool Opening of LC for UI payment delays : KPTCL opened LC APTRANSCO, Pondicherry & Goa still to open irrevocable LC for delayed payments during year 2009-10. KSEB also to open LC for delayed payment during year 2010-10. Registration of Users of SRLDC: Registration as users still to be completed by Ramagundam stg III, Talcher stg II,MAPS, KGS I&II..

13 UI & REACTIVE POOL STATUS UI pool account status as on wk ending 03.10.2010 (Rs.Lakhs) Retained due to capping23394.85567 Retained due to addl charge13448.50885 Retained in pool due to exceeding the limits36.64646 Due to IR UI a/c differences and IR first charge from 003.05.101573.19896 Total to be available as surplus38453.20994 Amount adjusted from surplus to meet dues0 Total amount accumulated as surplus38453.20994 Amount transferred to WR UI for Power tracing project as per CERC directive29.80931 Amount transferred to PSDF from surplus in UI pool36400.00000 Balance available as surplus in UI pool2023.40063 Retained in UI pool a/c pending gaming certification27.36257 Amount available in UI a/c due to interest paid by KPTCL for delayed payments244.92633 Amount available in UI a/c due to interest paid by Goa for delayed payments during 2009-10,2010-10 2.77772 Net amount available in UI pool2298.46725 Reactive pool account status as on wk ending 03.10.2010 Amount accrued in Reactive pool account as surplus92.42169 Amount transferred to PSDF from surplus in UI pool60.00000 Balance available in reactive pool account32.42169

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