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APA Part 1 – Test citations APA Basics: Getting Started.

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Presentation on theme: "APA Part 1 – Test citations APA Basics: Getting Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Part 1 – Test citations APA Basics: Getting Started

2 Agenda  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6 th ed.) Body of paper Text citations Reference list Reference citations

3 What Students Need to Know About APA Student’s Name Course code and CRN: Title of course: Title: by Laura Lucio Ramirez MGT 5020 Managing Organizational Behavior Institution Month day, year Nova Southeastern University April 1, 2012 Running head: WHAT STUDENTS NEED 1

4 Use double-spacing throughout the paper including the title page, abstract, body of the document, reference list, appendixes, tables, and figure captions. APA does permit single spacing within references but double spacing between references. (See p. 326 of the Publication Manual.) Issues to Consider Major headings require specific formatting: (a) The first word of the heading is capitalized as well as all major words; (b) articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions are not capitalized; and (c) the heading is not italicized. Formatting of P There are exceptions for dissertation. Other issues also need to be considered. Students and teachers need to 1 APA Formatting for NSU Class Assignments Issues to Consider Title Level 2 APA Headings Level 1 Formatting.

5 Test and Reference Citations Two types of citations - text citations and reference citations

6 Direct Quotes Text citation (paraphrased): McPherson (2012) raised issues of motivation in reading. Text citation with direct quote: McPherson (2012) coined the phrase “goblet of motivation” (p. 71).

7 Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism Using another person’s ideas or words without giving them proper credit. Can be grounds for dismissal Using direct quotes and paraphrasing

8 Citing Resources in Text Research (Fink, 2007) confirmed the results of cloning. The website did not support the data (Wienhorst, n.d.). A couple of studies (Gehring & Eifrig, 1976; Skinner, 1956) found.... [in alphabetical order] See APA manual, pp. 176-178. Citing Resources in Text

9 Six or More Authors in Text vs. Reference List Text citation for six or more authors: Wienhorst et al. (2010) found that …. Reference citation with more than seven authors: Wienhorst, S., Jones, R. E., Smith, T., Stonebraker, W., Schaefer, A., Johnson, M..., & Allsop, S. | (2010). What... See APA manual, pp. 177, 184, 198. List the first six authors and last author. Separate with ellipses.

10 Test Yourself Citations in text: Quinlan, Jones, Byron, and Montgomery (2008) stated Quinlan et al. (2008) observed (et al. is used after first use when there are three or more authors) Parenthetical citations in text: (Quinlan, Jones, Byron, & Montgomery, 2008) (Quinlan et al., 2008) One work by six or more authors: Wienhorst et al. (2009) (Wienhorst et al., 2009) See APA manual, p. 177 Always use et al. for six or more authors for in- text citations.

11 Groups as Authors Citations in text: The American Psychological Association (APA) observed… American Psychological Association [APA] (2009) stated… Parenthetical citations in text: (American Psychological Association [APA], 2009) NOTE: Use (APA, 2009) thereafter. See APA manual, p. 176 Use parentheses. Must use acronym thereafter.

12 Paraphrasing “Signed into law in January 2002 by President George W. Bush, the No Child Let Behind (NCLB) Act signaled the nation’s most sweeping education reform of federal education policy in decades. NCLB laid the groundwork for education reforms and the president’s attempt to strengthen America’s education system” (Smith, 2008, p. 212). Direct quote APA manual, pp. 170-171

13 Paraphrasing “ Signed into law in January 2002 by President George W. Bush, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act signaled the nation’s most sweeping education reform of federal education policy in decades. NCLB laid the groundwork for education reforms and the president’s attempt to strengthen America’s education system” (Smith, 2008, p. 212). When the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was signed into law in January of 2002 by President Bush, the law provided the most all-encompassing reform in education the United States in decades and provided a foundation for strengthening educational policy at the national level for years to come (Smith, 2008). Direct quote Paraphrased More than 50% reworded APA manual, pp. 170-171

14 “… victims of cyberterrorism” (Windhorst, 2004, p. 237). Krankenstein (2006) reported that "empirical research verified compliance" (p. 48). Lynch (2007) stated, “The findings are not valid” (p. 22) but later maintained that other studies reached different conclusions. “…in a dictionary” (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 2001, p. 346). See APA, Chapter 6, p. 171-173 When using a direct quote, provide the page #:

15 Quotes The principal stated, “Instructors may or may not want to require an abstract for class assignments” (Tunon, 2006, p. 34), but she concluded that they always summarized the essential content of the paper. In midsentence Quotes must be introduced. Tunon (2006) found that “instructors may or may not want to require an abstract for class assignments” (p. 34). At end of a sentence See APA, pp. 92, 171

16 Text vs Block Quotes The abstract is a one-paragraph summary or overview of the paper and “should summarize the essential content of the paper” (Tunon, 2009, p. 34). Direct quote for less than 40 words: Block quote (more than 40 words): Students at Nova Southeastern University have faced challenges in learning how to use APA formatting. When discussing the challenges, Strunk (1922) stated: Use quotes around an article title or book chapter, but italicize the title of a book, journal, brochure, or report when used in the body of the paper. Use a short title in the parenthetical citation or complete title if the title is short. NOTE Non-periodical titles like books and book titles have all the important words capitalized in the text citations, but these same book titles do not have all the important words capitalized in the reference list. (p. 342) Callahan (2001), however, says …. APA manual, p. 92

17 Text Cites of Electronic Resources In another case, Scanlon, Gallego, Duran, and Reyes (2005) found that the results should be “based on assumptions that individuals are capable of self-directed and self-initiated learning” (Methods section, para. 7). “The qualitative research methods discussed by Durango were challenged by Bambang and Totonumu” (Pival, Falcao, & Quinlan, 2009, “Problems with Qualitative Research,” para. 5). See APA (6th ed.), p. 172 Use name of section. Use shortened section title in quotation marks.

18 Formatting Article Citation How to Cite a Journal Article in the Reference List

19 Author’s Names - Formatting Citing Journal Articles Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. Author(s) See APA (6th ed,), p. 184 Initials, not first names. No title Ampersand (&), not the word and Comma before the ampersand.

20 Year of Publication Citing Journal Articles Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. Year of publication See APA (6th ed.), p. 185 Enclosed in parentheses Period after the parentheses No month or day if the publication is a journal, not a magazine, newsletter, or newspaper article.

21 Article Title Citing Journal Articles Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. Article title See APA (6th ed.), p. 185 Only first word in title and subtitle should be be capitalized as well as any proper names. A period at the end of the title. Only one space after the period, not two.

22 Journal Title Citing Journal Articles Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. See APA manual, pp. 186-187 Journal title should have all important words capitalized. It is italicized The journal title is followed by a comma Journal title

23 Journal Information Citing Journal Articles Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. Volume, issue, and page number(s) See APA manual, p. 186 The volume number is italicized There should be no space between the volume number and issue number Enclose issue number in parentheses and follow by a comma Do not use p. or pp. for journal articles.

24 DOI Number Watkins, R., & Schlosser, C. (2000). It’s not about time: A fresh approach to educational equivalency. TechTrend, 24(3), 34-47. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 Citing Journal Articles Retrieved Full Text Online: DOI number Preferred: If the database has a Digital Object Identifier that functions as a unique identifier of the content and a link to the content, then use that. If no DOI number is found, then citation ends with the period after the page number

25 Formatting of DOI Borman, W. C. (1993). Role of early supervisory experience in supervisor performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(5), 443-449. doi:10.1037 /0002-9432.76.4.482 Do not capitalize doi, and do not include a space before or after the colon. Break the number before most punctuation Do not include a period after the DOI number. See APA manual, p. 192

26 Example of a DOI

27 Book With DOI DOI URL Traditional Brooking, D. E. (2010). Research on distance learning. New York, NY: Wiley. Brooking, D. E. (2010). Research on distance learning. Available from Brooking, D. E. (2010). Research on distance learning. doi:10.234.57993.wiley-2010.78211 APA manual, p. 202 APA Style Blog:

28 Video Tutorials Tab:

29 References Page References Jones, R. N., del Rio, J. A., Humenik, J. A., García, E. O., & Ramírez, A. M. (2006). Citation mining: Integrating text mining and bibliometrics for research user profiling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52, 1148-1156. Kushkowski, J. D. (1985). Master's and doctoral thesis citations: Analysis and trends of a longitudinal study. Portal, 3, 459-479. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 Kushkowski, J. D. (1999a). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163. Kushkowski, J. D. (1999b). Measuring the use and value of electronic journals and books. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Morner, C. J. (1995). Measuring the library research skills of education doctoral students. In R. AnRhein (Ed.), Continuity & transformation: The promise of confluence. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 29-April 1, 1995 (pp. 381-391). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Norton, M. J. (2009). Introductory concepts in information science. doi:10.5634/93944-090 O'Connor, D. O., & Voos, H. (2008). Empirical laws, theory construction, and bibliometrics. In J. Smith & B. B. Jones, New adventures on the Web. Springfield, MA: Springer Verlag. Page entitled References Hanging indentations Single space in citations Double space between citations Alphabetical order, then by date 32 References Page centered

30 Hanging Indentations References Jones, R. N., del Rio, J. A., Humenik, J. A., García, E. O., & Ramírez, A. M. (2006). Citation mining: Integrating text mining and bibliometrics for research user profiling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52, 1148-1156. Kushkowski, J. D. (1985). Master's and doctoral thesis citations: Analysis and trends of a longitudinal study. Portal, 3, 459-479. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 Kushkowski, J. D. (1999a). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163. Kushkowski, J. D. (1999b). Measuring the use and value of electronic journals and books. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Morner, C. J. (1995). Measuring the library research skills of education doctoral students. In R. AnRhein (Ed.), Continuity & transformation: The promise of confluence. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 29-April 1, 1995 (pp. 381-391). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Norton, M. J. (2009). Introductory concepts in information science. doi:10.5634/93944-090 O'Connor, D. O., & Voos, H. (2008). Empirical laws, theory construction, and bibliometrics. In J. Smith & B. B. Jones, New adventures on the Web. Springfield, MA: Springer Verlag. Page entitled References Hanging indentations Single space in citations Double space between citations Alphabetical order, then by date 32 References Page

31 Spacing References Jones, R. N., del Rio, J. A., Humenik, J. A., García, E. O., & Ramírez, A. M. (2006). Citation mining: Integrating text mining and bibliometrics for research user profiling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52, 1148-1156. Kushkowski, J. D. (1985). Master's and doctoral thesis citations: Analysis and trends of a longitudinal study. Portal, 3, 459-479. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 Kushkowski, J. D. (1999a). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163. Kushkowski, J. D. (1999b). Measuring the use and value of electronic journals and books. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Morner, C. J. (1995). Measuring the library research skills of education doctoral students. In R. AnRhein (Ed.), Continuity & transformation: The promise of confluence. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 29-April 1, 1995 (pp. 381-391). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Norton, M. J. (2009). Introductory concepts in information science. doi:10.5634/93944-090 O'Connor, D. O., & Voos, H. (2008). Empirical laws, theory construction, and bibliometrics. In J. Smith & B. B. Jones, New adventures on the Web. Springfield, MA: Springer Verlag. Page entitled References Hanging indentations Single space in citations Double space between citations Alphabetical order, then by date 32 References Page

32 Alphabetical Order References Jones, R. N., del Rio, J. A., Humenik, J. A., García, E. O., & Ramírez, A. M. (2006). Citation mining: Integrating text mining and bibliometrics for research user profiling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52, 1148-1156. Kushkowski, J. D. (1985). Master's and doctoral thesis citations: Analysis and trends of a longitudinal study. Portal, 3, 459-479. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 Kushkowski, J. D. (1999a). Identifying uniform core journal titles for music libraries: A dissertation citation study. College & Research Libraries, 60(2), 153-163. Kushkowski, J. D. (1999b). Measuring the use and value of electronic journals and books. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Morner, C. J. (1995). Measuring the library research skills of education doctoral students. In R. AnRhein (Ed.), Continuity & transformation: The promise of confluence. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 29-April 1, 1995 (pp. 381-391). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Norton, M. J. (2009). Introductory concepts in information science. doi:10.5634/93944-090 O'Connor, D. O., & Voos, H. (2008). Empirical laws, theory construction, and bibliometrics. In J. Smith & B. B. Jones, New adventures on the Web. Springfield, MA: Springer Verlag. Page entitled References Hanging indentations Single space in citations Double space between citations Alphabetical order, then by date 32 References Page

33 Hanging Indentations in Word 2003 Go to Paragraph. In Indents and Spacing Go to the Special section. Select Hanging.

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