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The Rural Medical Transportation Network A Project of the SIU Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development MedTrans: Healthier Patients and Happier.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rural Medical Transportation Network A Project of the SIU Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development MedTrans: Healthier Patients and Happier."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rural Medical Transportation Network A Project of the SIU Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development MedTrans: Healthier Patients and Happier Health Care Providers Dennis Presley, MPA – Project Coordinator

2 RMTN Lesson Learned: Health care provider education is important, but misconceptions and legitimate barriers still exist and are an obstacle to patient transportation:  Hospital and clinic staff are very transient, both among facilities and intra-facility  Health care facilities are large and misconceptions become permanent reality  The HC scheduler and the MT dispatcher are often not in the best position to arrange transportation for many medical appointments  Frustrated HC staff simply stop using public transit and either resort to more costly, less efficient transportation or the patient is left with no options.

3 Obstacles in patient transportation results in the diminished health of patients:  Inadequate preventive care  Diseases and maladies go untreated  Follow-up care to hospital releases not performed Diminished patient health:  More expense to health care providers  More “non-medically necessary” calls to EMS  Poorer quality of life for the patient MedTrans’ origins are from the RMTN, but is a larger project of the SIU Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development  Pilot funded by a grant from IDOT New Freedom

4 MedTrans is a “mobility management” model that utilizes a strategy of:  Coordination  Close, collaborative relationships between transit and health care, with MedTrans as the conduit  Personal customer service, recognizing that the customer is a PATIENT MedTrans is governed by a board of directors, comprised of representatives from:  South Central Mass Transit  Shawnee Mass Transit  Jackson County Mass Transit  Rides Mass Transit  Southern Illinois Healthcare  Heartland Regional Medical Center  Shawnee Health Services  VA Hospital – Marion  SIU CRHSSD  EMS  Southern Illinois Transportation

5 MedTrans Center:  Targeted to go online on May 15  Sited in the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center – SIU Carbondale  Employ a Director and up to seven (7) Mobility Specialists Procedure  Call for service received by MS from HCP  MS contacts patient to confirm information and needed accommodations  MS contacts a transit provider (s)  MS contacts HCP to confirm ride or seek a more amenable date/time for appointment  Repeat process until ride is confirmed………………... Calls are not accepted directly from patients, although this component COULD be implemented in a future expansion of the project.

6 Current Status of Project Implementation  Board of Directors by-laws established  501 (c3) application submitted to IRS  Insurance purchased  Policies established: Privacy, Call Procedure, Employee, etc.  Site has been furnished  Telephones and IT are currently being installed  Employees have been interviewed and will be hired within a few days  Phase 1 of employee training scheduled for April 29: Facilitated by Ed Heflin  Orientation for participating HCPs scheduled for week of May 5th

7 Dennis Presley 618-453-3314

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