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IWRSS Preliminary Planning for System Interoperability and Database Synchronization John Halquist and Andrew Rost NOHRSC July 9, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "IWRSS Preliminary Planning for System Interoperability and Database Synchronization John Halquist and Andrew Rost NOHRSC July 9, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 IWRSS Preliminary Planning for System Interoperability and Database Synchronization John Halquist and Andrew Rost NOHRSC July 9, 2009

2 Presentation Agenda Background and Progress– Andy (10 min)Examples – John (10 min)Questions and Discussion

3 IWRSS Components Focus AreasCross Cutting Themes IWRSSModeling ScienceInformation ServicesSystem InteroperabilityDatabase SynchronizationeGISGeoIntelligenceObservationsSurveillanceDelivery of Products & ServicesSocial Science


5 Data CatalogsStandard FormatsTraffic Control & MonitoringProcess Control & Monitoring

6 IWRRS Roadmap Contributors NOAA John Halquist (NOHRSC) Pedro Restrepo (OHDRMS) Andrew Rost (NOHRSC) Heather Stirratt (CSC) USACE Bryan Baker (CRREL) Mike Perryman (HEC) Joel Schlagel (CRREL) Mike Smith (CRREL) USGS Mike Norris Phil Turnipseed

7 IWRSS Roadmap Recommendations Evaluate system interoperability and database synchronization requirements Systems Models and Data Products and Services Assess existing technical assets Account for differences between both existing and anticipated enterprise architectures Document technical characteristics and engineering requirements Recommend a range of forward thinking interoperability and synchronization strategies Be readily scalable and easily extensible (modular) Address all data types – both relational and non-relational Allow for network topology flexibility Minimize the initial degree of modification to existing enterprise systems (small footprint) The proposed strategies should … System access Proprietary data Identify system- and data-related security requirements and constraints

8 Recognized Relationships Mechanism whereby data are shared Mechanism whereby metadata are shared Mechanism where by process control information is shared Relationships with Information Services focal areas Schedule/synchronize model execution (managing the time domain) Facilitate inter-model communication and coordination Manage and distribute model forcing data Manage and distribute assimilation and validation data Manage and distribute model states Relationships with Modeling Science Enable interagency interactions Provide system interoperability recommendations that will maximize user acceptance and workflow efficiency Relationships with Social Science

9 Candidate (Spectrum) of Strategies Data providers publish data availability Data users actively retrieve data from providers, collectives and catalogs Data users are responsible for data conversion Solutions ride on top of enterprise systems (manual, scripts, crons) Highly proactive. Data users have to determine when providers make data available Initially Data providers support data subscription services Data users receive data passively Data providers may support data conversions Solutions become partially embedded in enterprise systems Proactive Intermediate Data, metadata and process information shared through embedded client/server relation software The clients and servers are networked with socket connections The client may be a passive subscriber of data The server may allow active interrogation by the client Client/server software performs data conversions on the fly Reactive – client responds to event driven triggers Ultimately – Low Level Communication

10 Multi-Layer Symmetrical Client/Server Model Layers Region of Interest Extract/Insert Map Projection Horizontal Datum Vertical Datum Units Rescale Reformat Transform TCP/IP Unicast Multicast Broadcast Prioritized Ports Transport Fat-Client/Thin-Server Thin-Client/Fat-Server

11 FEWS2relDB CHPS RFC Archive (Field) Data Acquisition IHFS GFE/MPE …. SHEF-decoder FEWS Others JDBC/ws/files XSETS … … ICP EVS WaterML/?? webs. DB-synch. SQL/file export ? ?? Products SHEF ??? Flat Files (grids) … … file export IWRSS Archive RDB CWMS OPS DB

12 Next Steps Address the Information Services recommendations stated in the IWRSS Roadmap Organize and coordinate sub-teams to address each of the Information Services focal areas Coordinate with Modeling and Human Sciences teams and their sub-teams Stand up Information Services team Develop hooks for IWRSS interoperability capabilities Develop hooks for IWRSS database synchronization capabilities Continue to work with Deltares on CHPS RFC archive Victor Hom will present on this Work with FEMA and the USACE to synchronize dam break database Already underway at the NOHRSC Bread board interoperability and synchronization concepts

13 Examples Routine operations Modeling Water Resources Reservoir Operations Complex hydraulics Levee breech/failure Breakout flow Dambreak Flood forecasting

14 Routine operations

15 HEC-ResSim

16 Reservoir Operations

17 Complex Hydraulics

18 Flood Forecasting

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