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1 KEEP IT CONTAMINANT-FREE Steps to a Healthier Home.

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Presentation on theme: "1 KEEP IT CONTAMINANT-FREE Steps to a Healthier Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 KEEP IT CONTAMINANT-FREE Steps to a Healthier Home

2 2 L EARNING O BJECTIVES IDENTIFY at least four contaminants in the home and strategies to prevent, contain or control them. DESCRIBE at least four ways that contaminants get into the home. IDENTIFY at least three health effects and their associated contaminant. Page 9.1

3 3 C ONTAMINANT B UYING D ECISIONS INTENTIONALLY BRING IN: Tobacco Smoke Pesticides Volatile Organic Comp. Mercury Asbestos Meth Labs ALONG FOR THE RIDE: Bedbugs and Mice Cockroaches Mice Formaldehyde Lead Page 9.1


5 5 1 2 3 Time (hours) RSP (cpm) 250 500 750 1000 Source: Indoor Air Quality, Infiltration and Ventilation in Residential Buildings NYSERDA 1985 [5] T OBACCO S PIKES IN P ARTICLE L EVELS Page 9.2

6 6 W HY A VOID S ECONDHAND S MOKE : Children’s Health Effects Adult Health Effects 60% of US population has biological evidence of exposure Page 9.2

7 7 S MOKE -F REE H OME R ULES : S TATE P ERFORMANCE 92-9398-992003% Increase Total43.2%60.2%72.2%67.1% Max.69.6%81.1%88.8%107.9% Min.25.7%38.9%53.4%27.6% Page 9.3

8 8 S MOKE -F REE H OUSING P OLICIES Smoke Free Saves Property Owners Money Page 9.4

9 9 S MOKE -F REE H OUSING P OLICIES Increases Demand Decrease Fires/Potential Insurance Discount Reduces Tenant Conflict Other benefits Page 9.4

10 10 S MOKE -F REE H OUSING P OLICY Policy Approaches Voluntary / Grassroots Efforts Low Income Housing Tax Credit Disclosure Page 9.4

11 11 S MOKING C ESSATION P ROGRAMS Smoke-free policies work best if coupled with cessation resources Page 9.4

12 12 V OLATILE O RGANIC C OMPOUNDS Air Fresheners Cleaning Products Sprays & Coatings Formaldehyde Carpets Vinyl Floors Drywall Hobbies Home Maintenance Page 9.5

13 13 V OLATILE O RGANIC C OMPOUNDS Concentration of VOC’s can be 2-5 times greater in the home. During or immediately after paint stripping activities, VOC levels can be 1,000 times higher than outdoors. Page 9.5

14 14

15 15 W HY A VOID VOC S ? Potential health effects of VOCs: Eye, nose, throat irritation Headaches, nausea, coordination Liver, kidney, and brain damage Some can cause cancers Child development Page 9.7

16 16 Page 9.7

17 17 R EDUCE P OTENTIAL S OURCES  Don’t use it if you don’t have to.  Substitute a better product Page 9.7

18 18 S TEPS TO C ONTROL VOC S Control the source Ventilate Page 9.8

19 19 T HIRD -P ARTY C ERTIFICATIONS Buildings Products and Services Page 9.8

20 20 I NDUSTRY S TEWARDSHIP P ROGRAMS Understand the Motivations & Research the Options Examples Other Programs Page 9.8

21 21 T RACK E MERGING I SSUES listserve: Phthalates from Vinyl Products Sulfur from Chinese Drywall Cadmium in Jewelry? Page 9.9

22 22 A ND THEN WE HAVE METH LABS... Page 9.9

23 23 M ETH L ABS Health & Safety Hazards Explosive Flammable Toxic Caustic Page 9.9

24 24 K EY M ESSAGES It is easier to prevent exposure to contaminants then it is to remove them and treat their effects. Should contamination occur: control, contain, and clean-up. Contaminants are not always detectable by our senses. Page 9.10

25 25 L EARNING O BJECTIVES IDENTIFY at least four contaminants in the home and strategies to prevent, contain or control them. DESCRIBE at least four ways that contaminants get into the home. IDENTIFY at least three health effects and their associated contaminant. Page 9.10

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