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Data Mining over Hidden Data Sources Tantan Liu Depart. Computer Science & Engineering Ohio State University July 23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Mining over Hidden Data Sources Tantan Liu Depart. Computer Science & Engineering Ohio State University July 23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Mining over Hidden Data Sources Tantan Liu Depart. Computer Science & Engineering Ohio State University July 23, 2012

2 Outline Introduction –Deep Web –Data Mining on the deep web Contributions –Stratified K-means Clustering Over A Deep Web Data Source (SIGKDD, 2012) –Two-phase Sampling Based Outlier Detection Over A Deep Web Data Source (Submitted to ICDM 2012) –Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source (SDM, 2012) –An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining (ICDE, 2011) –Differential Rule Mining (ICDM Workshops, 2010) –Stratified Sampling for Deep Web Mining (ICDM, 2010) Conclusion and Future work

3 Deep Web Data sources hidden from the Internet –Online query interface vs. Database –Database accessible through online Interface –Input attribute vs. Output attribute An example of Deep Web

4 Data Mining over the Deep Web High level summary of data –Scenario 1: a user wants to relocate to the county. Summary of the residences of the county? –Age, Price, Square Footage –County property assessor’s web-site only allows simple queries –Scenario 2: a user is thinking about his or her career path High level knowledge about the job posts in the market –Job type, Salary, education, experience, skills,.. –Job web-site, i.e. Linkedin and MSN careers, provide millions of job posts.

5 Challenges Databases cannot be accessed directly –S–Sampling method for Deep web mining Obtaining data is time consuming –E–Efficient sampling method –H–High accuracy with low sampling cost

6 Contributions Stratified K-means Clustering Over A Deep Web Data Source (SIGKDD, 2012) Two-phase Sampling Based Outlier Detection Over A Deep Web Data Source (submitted to ICDM, 2012) Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source (SDM, 2012) An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining (ICDE, 2011) Differential Rule Mining (ICDM Workshops, 2010) Stratified Sampling for Deep Web Mining (ICDM, 2010)

7 Roadmap Introduction –Deep Web –Data Mining on the deep web Contributions –Stratified K-means Clustering Over A Deep Web Data Source –Two-phase Sampling Based Outlier Detection Over A Deep Web Data Source –Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source –An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining –Differential Rule Mining –Stratified Sampling for Deep Web Mining Conclusion and Future work

8 An Example of Deep Web for Real- Estate

9 k-means clustering over a deep web data source Goal: Estimating k centers for the underlying clusters, so that the estimated k centers based on the sample are close to the k true centers in the whole population.

10 Overview of Method Stratification Sample Allocation

11 Stratification on the deep web Partitioning the entire population in to strata –Stratifies on the query space of input attributes –Goal: Homogenous Query subspaces –Radius of query subspace: –Rule: Choosing the input attribute that mostly decreases the radius of a node –For an input attribute, decrease of radius:

12 Partition on Space of Output Attributes

13 Sampling Methods We have created c*k partitions and c*k subspaces –A pilot sample –C*k-mean clustering generate c*k partitions Representative sampling –Good Estimation on statistics of c*k subspaces Centers Proportions

14 Representative Sampling-Centers Center of a subspace –Mean vector of all data points belonging to the subspace Let sample S={DR 1, DR 2, …, DR n }, For i-th subspace, center :

15 Distance Function For c*k estimated centers with true centers Using Euclidean Distance –Integrated variance In terms of sub-space, stratum and output attributes Computed based on pilot sample – : # of sample drawn from j-th stratum

16 Optimized Sampling Allocation Goal: Using Lagrange multipliers: We are going to sample stratum with large variance Data is spread in a wide area, and more data are need to represent the population

17 Active Learning based sampling Method In machine learning –Passive learning: data are randomly chosen –Active Learning Certain data are selected, to help build a better model Obtaining data is costly and/or time-consuming Choosing stratum i, the estimated decrease of distance function is Iterative Sampling Process –At each iteration, stratum with largest decrease of distance function is selected for sampling –Integrated variance is updated

18 Representative Sampling-Proportion Proportion of a sub-space: – Fraction of data records belonging to the sub-space –Depends on proportion of the sub-space in each stratum In j-th stratum, Risk function –Distance between estimated parameters and their true values Iterative Sampling Process –At each iteration, stratum with largest decrease of risk function is chosen for sampling –Parameters are updated

19 Stratified K-means Clustering Weight for data records in i-th stratum –, : size of population, : size of sample Similar to k-means clustering –Center for i-th cluster

20 Contribution Sampling methods for solving the problem of clustering over a deep web data source Representative Sampling –Partition on the space of output attributes Centers –Optimized Sampling method –Active learning based sampling method Proportions –Active learning based sampling method

21 Experiment Result Data Set: –Noisy Synthetic data set: 4,000 data records with 4 input attributes and 2 output attributes. Adding 400 noise data points – Yahoo! data set: Data on used cars 8,000 data records Average Distance

22 Representative Sampling-Noisy Data Set Benefit of Stratification –Compared with rand, decrease of AvgDist are 26.9%, 35.5%, 37.4%, 38.6% Benefit of Representative Sampling –Compared with rand_st, decrease of AvgDist are 11.8%, 14.4% and 16.1% Center based sampling methods have better performance Optimized sampling method has better performance in the long run

23 Representative Sampling-Yahoo! Data set Benefit of Stratification –Compared with rand, decrease of AvgDist are 7.2%, 13.2%, 15.0% and 16.8% Benefit of Representative Sampling –Compared with rand_st, decrease of AvgDist are 6.6%, 8.5%, 10.5% Center based sampling methods have better performance Optimized sampling method has better performance in the long run

24 Scalability The execution time for each method is linear of the size of data set

25 Roadmap Introduction –Deep Web –Data Mining on the deep web Contributions –Stratified K-means Clustering Over A Deep Web Data Source –Two-phase Sampling Based Outlier Detection Over A Deep Web Data Source –Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source –An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining –Differential Rule Mining –Stratified Sampling for Deep Web Mining Conclusion and Future work

26 Outlier Detection Outlier –An observation that deviates greatly from other observations DB(p;D) outlier –At least fraction p of the objects lie at a distance greater than D. Challenges for Outlier Detection over a deep web data source –Recall: finding as large a fraction of outliers –Precision: accurately identify outliers from sampled data

27 Two-phase Sampling Method Neighborhood Sampling – Aiming at improving recall –Query spaces with high probability of containing outliers are explored. Uncertain Driven Sampling –Aiming at improving precision

28 Outliers in Stratified Sampling Stratified Sampling has better performance Stratification –Similar to stratification in k-means clustering over a deep web data source –Control the number of strata Outlier detection –For a data object, let denote the fraction of data objects at distance greater than D –Estimates in a stratified sample

29 Neighbor Nodes Similar data objects tend to be from same query subspaces or neighbor query subspaces Neighbor Nodes for a node –Left and right cousin with same parent nodes

30 Neighborhood Sampling Y=1980 Root Y=2010Y=2000 Y=1990 B=1 B=2B=3 B=4B=1 B=2B=3B=4 Ba=1Ba=2

31 Post-Stratification Original Strata are further stratified after additional sampling New Stratum: Leaf nodes with same sample rate under the same original stratum Each data record has estimated and variance –Fraction of data objects at distance greater than D –Probability of being an outlier

32 Uncertain Driven Sampling For a sampled data record –Outlier: > –Normal data object < –Otherwise, uncertain data object Task: Obtain a sample for identifying uncertain data object

33 Sample Allocation For uncertain data objects with estimated To find better estimation of, Minimize By using Lagrange multiplier

34 Outlier in Stratified Sampling Distance between each pair of sampled data object is computed For a sampled data record –Outlier: > –Otherwise, Normal data object An outlier: A normal data object –where denotes the fraction of neighbors in D neighborhood

35 Efficient Outlier Detection It can be shown that Sufficient condition –If A normal data object An outlier –Else A normal data object An outlier

36 Experiment Result Data Set: –Yahoo! data set: Data on used cars 8,000 data records Evaluation –Precision: fraction of outliers that are identified in the sample –Recall: fraction of outliers that are sampled

37 Recall Benefit of Stratification –Increase over SRS: 108.2%, 116.7%, and 74.7% Benefit of neighborhood Sampling –Increase over SSTS: 19.1% and 28.1% Uncertain sampling decrease recall: 3.7%

38 Precision All four methods have good performance –Average precision is over 0.9 Stratified sampling methods have lower precision –Compared with SSTS, decrease: 1.7%, 0.68% and 4.3% Benefits of uncertain sampling –Compared with NS, increase: 2.7%

39 Trade-off between Precision and Recall Benefit of Stratification –TPS, NS and SSTS improves recall for precision in 0.75-0.975 Benefit of Neighborhood Sampling –TPS, NS improves recall for precision in 0.75- 0.975 Benefit of Uncertain Sampling –TPS improves recall for precision in 0.92-1.0

40 Roadmap Introduction –Deep Web –Data Mining on the deep web Contributions –Stratified K-means Clustering Over A Deep Web Data Source –Two-phase Sampling Based Outlier Detection Over A Deep Web Data Source –Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source –An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining –Differential Rule Mining –Stratified Sampling for Deep Web Mining Conclusion and Future work

41 Stratification Based Hierarchical Clustering on a Deep Web Data Source Hierarchical clustering based on stratified sampling –Stratification –Sample Allocation Representative Sampling –Mean values of output attributes are close to true values Uncertain Sampling –Sample heavily on boundary between clusters

42 An Active Learning Based Frequent Itemset Mining Frequent Itemset Mining –Estimating support for itemsets –The size of itemsets could be huge Considering 1-itemsets Bayesian Network –Model the relationship between input attributes and output attributes –Risk Function on estimated parameters Active learning Based Sampling –Data records are selected step by step – Sample query subspaces with greatest decrease on risk function

43 Differential Rule Mining Different values for the same data object –e.g. prices of commodities Goal: analyzing the difference between data sources Differential Rule: –Left hand: a frequent itemset –Right hand: behavior of differential attribute Differential Rule Mining –Apriori Algorithm –Hypothesis Statistical test

44 Stratified Sampling for Association Rule Mining and Differential Rule Mining Data Mining –Association Rule Mining & Differential Rule Mining Stratified Sampling Stratification –Combing estimation variance and sampling cost –A tree recursively built on the query space Sampling Allocation –An optimized method for minimizing integrated cost on variance and sampling cost

45 Conclusion Data mining on the deep web is challenging We proposed methods for data mining on the deep web –A stratified K-means clustering method –A two-phase sampling based outlier detection –A stratified hierarchical clustering method –An Active learning based frequent itemset mining –A stratified sampling method for data mining on the deep web –Differential rule mining The experiment results show the efficiency of our work

46 Future Work Outlier Detection over a deep web data source –Consider the problem of statistical distribution based outlier detection Mining Multiple Deep Web Data Sources –Instance-based Schema matching Efficiently sampling instance from deep web to facilitate schema matching –Mining data coverage of multiple deep web data sources Efficient sampling methods for estimating data coverage of multiple data sources

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