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Charge relaxation times Z. Insepov, V. Ivanov. Glass conductivity.

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1 Charge relaxation times Z. Insepov, V. Ivanov

2 Glass conductivity

3 Materials properties Pore structure Pore diameters – 20  m Al 2 O 3 +ZnO coatings – 1  m and 5  m Aspect ratio -- 40 Materials parameters: Glass:  = 1  10 -17 S/m,  =5.8 Al 2 O 3 +ZnO:  = 1  10 -8 S/m,  =6.9 Air:  = 1  10 -17 S/m,  =1

4 Al2O3 + ZnO coating resistivity h z r d r = 20  m d = 1  m h = 1.6 mm R 1 = N  R MCP resistance: R = 18-100 M  N = 5  10 6 pores R 1 =R  N = (18-100 M  )  5  10 6 = (90-500)  10 12 

5 Microscopic model of charge relaxation A.K. Jonscher, Principles of semiconductor device operations, Wiley (1960). A.H. Marshak, Proc. IEEE 72, 148-164 (1984). A.G. Chynoweth, J. Appl. Phys. 31, 1161-1165 (1960). R. Van Overstraeten, Solid St. Electronics 13 (1970) 583-608. L.M. Biberman, Proc. IEEE 59, 555-572 (1972). Z. Insepov et al, Phys.Rev. A (2008) r rr z r = 20  m  r = 1  m Aspect ratio 40 A. Spherical symmetry B. Cylindrical symmetry z r r = 1  m Al 2 O 3 D ,  ,N  – diffusion coeff., mobility, density of carriers (  = e,h)

6 ZnO/Al2O3 alloy relaxation times Channel Resistive Layer Material 30% Al2O3+70% ZnO Relaxation time (current setting) 6.1  10 -6 sec Channel Resistive Layer Material 40% Al2O3+60% ZnO Relaxation time (desirable setting) 6.1  10 -3 sec The current set of emissive coating parameters is not acceptable due to very high curent ~ 20 mA!

7 MCP Parameters Al2O3+ZnO Table 1: Dielectric constants [1] and resistivities [2] for Al2O3/ZnO ALD films *) DEZ -- Diethylzinc (Zn(CH2CH3) 1. Herrmann et al, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5715 (2005) p.159. 2. Elam et al, J. Electrochem. Soc. 150, pp. G339-G347, 2003. % DEZ* exposures010253350 Dielectric Constant6. Resistivity  (  cm) ~10 16 5x10 15 5x10 14 10 14 10 13 Relaxation times, sec6x10 3 2.9x10 3 305645.8 Bulk MaterialBorosilicate glass Dielectric Const5.8 Conductivity 1  10 -17 S/m Relaxation time 5.1  10 6 sec

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