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The Missional Church Series Micah 5:2 November 29, 2009.

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1 The Missional Church Series Micah 5:2 November 29, 2009.

2 When God ________ something to happen, we should _______ for the ___________ of that prophecy because it is a yet to be realized _________. predicts prepare fulfillment certainty

3  The Birth Place of Our Savior: Mic. 5:2, Mt. 2:1  He was Born of a Virgin: Is 7:14, Mt. 1:18  His Characteristics: Is. 11:2, Lk. 2:52  He was Abused: Is. 50:6, Mk 14:65  He Suffered for Us: Is. 53:4-5, Mt. 8:16-17

4  His Bones were Unbroken: Ps. 34:20; Jn. 19:33  He Experienced Resurrection: Ps. 16:10, Mt. 28:6  He Experienced Ascension: Ps. 68:18, Lk. 24:50-51  These prophecies took place approximately 750 years before Jesus and were made, not by one person, but by multiple people.

5  Parable of the 10 Virgins: Mt. 25:1-13-- Those not prepared were excluded from the wedding.

6  Parable of the Wedding Feast: Lk. 12:35-40  He uses two examples of what to expect: ▪ Prepared: Get to sit and dine with the master. ▪ Unprepared: Will be as though you were robbed.  Irony of the parable: The master and the bride are general treated as king and queen, but here the master serves the faithful servant.  Major Point: Watch—be alert and prepared.

7  Prediction of His Return: John 14:2-6  The “only” way you will get to go to my Father’s house is through me!  We must be prepared: ▪ Establish our relationship with Jesus Christ— submission. ▪ Build our relationship with Jesus Christ—study, worship, and prayer. ▪ Maintain our relationship with God and other believers—worship and fellowship.

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