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CREED DETAILS. The Apostles Creed (1) It is the shortest creed. It was originally used at baptism --- those who wanted to be baptized were taught the.

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2 The Apostles Creed (1) It is the shortest creed. It was originally used at baptism --- those who wanted to be baptized were taught the basics in the creed.

3 The Apostles Creed (2) When they were baptized, they were asked if they believed each part of the creed, like … Do you believe in God the father almighty? If they said “yes,” then they could be baptized.

4 The Apostles Creed (3) We still do this today. Adults who want to be baptized will be asked about each part of the creed. When babies are baptized, their sponsors answer for them. At confirmation, they speak it for themselves. You will be asked each part of the creed.

5 The Apostles Creed (4) It is called “apostles” creed, because it summarizes the teachings of the earliest Christians. (Apostle means someone who is sent: Jesus sent his disciples, so we call them apostles) It was developed gradually over time, starting in the 200’s.

6 The Nicene Creed (1) This is a longer creed. It was written in the 300’s. It was the result of a meeting of leaders from churches all around the Roman empire.

7 The Nicene Creed (2) The problem discussed at the meeting was how to explain that Jesus is God, because a false teacher had said that Jesus was not God They finally decided to use the words “one substance with the Father” to explain it --- (just like sun rays are “one substance” with the sun)

8 The Nicene Creed (3) Note the repeated emphasis: I believe in: ONE LORD Jesus Christ ONLY-begotten Son of God (“begotten” means Jesus is a natural part of God, like an arm is attached to a body)

9 The Nicene Creed (4) The emphasis continues: “begotten” of his Father before all worlds (before creation, Jesus was already a natural part of God. It was not that the Father came first, and then Jesus came later --- they were always part of each other)

10 The Nicene Creed (5) The emphasis continues: God of God (means God attached to God) Light of Light (like you can never have a sun without a sun-ray) Very God of Very God (the original Greek term emphasized the completeness of Jesus being God)

11 The Nicene Creed (6) The emphasis continues: Begotten, not made (not born sometime after the Father) Being of one-substance with the Father (they are made of one and the same essence). This was the key term that countered the person who said that Jesus was not fully God.

12 The Nicene Creed (7) It also adds details about Holy Spirit: Gives life Exists simultaneously with Father & Son (like sun, sun-rays, and heat) Inspired the Bible

13 The Athanasian Creed A very long creed Written in the 500’s Also meant to emphasize that Jesus and the Holy spirit are just as much God as the Father is.

14 Protestant Church Documents Each new church at the reformation wrote long documents to explain what they believed. These documents are called “confessions.” because the “confess” what the people believed, just like the creed does.

15 The Lutheran Confessions The document written by the Lutherans is called the “Augsburg Confession,” because it was written in the town of Augsburg. It starts by saying that the Lutherans accept all 3 of the creeds, and then adds a lot about how “grace alone” affects how the church is understood.

16 Highlights of Lutheran Confessions 1 Bible is to be only source of authority Salvation is by grace alone, not by works We do good works, but not to deserve salvation The body and blood of Christ are present in communion God does want the church to have pastors.

17 CLOSING PRAYER Dear God, Thank you for the clarity about faith in you that has been written down in the creeds and confessions. May this clarity help us to make it through each day without doubt or fear of you.

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