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The French Revolution The Restoration 1799-1804 McKay 714-720, Palmer 9.46 Jacque Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution The Restoration 1799-1804 McKay 714-720, Palmer 9.46 Jacque Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution The Restoration 1799-1804 McKay 714-720, Palmer 9.46 Jacque Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps

2 First Consul

3 Moderate Period 1789-1792 “Age of Montesquieu” Constitution al Monarchy –Liberal moderates in control National Assembly/Leg islative Assembly Limited Change Limited enfranchise- ment Restoration Period 1799-1804 “Age of Voltaire” Enlightened Despotism Consulate Government centralized with enlightened ideals Old Order returns to power Radical Period 1792-1794 “Age of Rousseau” Republic –Strong central government –Radicals in control Convention Major Change Total enfranchise- ment Terror Command economy Utopian/ idealized vision Thermidorian Period 1794-1799 “Age of Smith” Oligarchy –Moderates Bourgeoisie government Directory Reactionary stage Idealized visions of Rev forgotten –Period of decadence Free Market economy –High Inflation Reliance on Strong Man Crane Brinton & The Anatomy of Revolution

4 Consulate 1799 18011804 Coup d’etat Brumaire Concordat of 1801 -Code Napoleon -Duke of Enghien executed -Napoleon crowns self Emperor Napoleon Constitution of 1799

5 Napoleon Born in Corsica in 1759 (months after French took it over) Father moved family to France, climbed French social ladder and got Napoleon in military academy Hated French at first –Teased by French children for yellow skin and Italian accent Rose through ranks quickly during Revolution as many nobles had fled 5’6” (according to some sources) –(very short for general) Intense & intimidating stare Coarse manners, bad temper –Not an aristocrat in behavior Genius –Capacity for hours of study in varied subjects –Extremely detail oriented –Able to anticipate moves of enemies

6 Napoleon’s Foes in 1799 Bourgeoisie-l wanted property protected, business stability, equality under the law, meritocracy Jacobins- wanted republic, public education Peasants -wanted Catholicism restored, traditional values restored Catholic wanted Catholicism restored Monarchists- wanted monarchy restored, wanted titles restored, émigrés wanted to come home Sans Culottes- wanted universal male suffrage


8 First Consul Considered the last and most eminent enlightened despot by some Considered an absolutist despot by others Constitution of 1799 –Plebiscite (public referendum) accepted it 3 million to 1 thousand –Set up ‘a make believe’ of parliamentary institutions –Gave universal male suffrage BUT only allowed for the selection and installment of “notables” –Notables were then appointed by government to positions Had no power on their own (more of a debating club) Government also had a Tribune and a Conservative Senate Little power was exercised outside of the First Consul –Characterized by conservative, authoritarian, autocratic, and centralized pseudo republican government Satisfies Sans Culottes (universal male suffrage)

9 Marengo

10 Peace of Amiens Made peace with 1 st Coalition Russia dropped out of coalition Austria defeated at battle of Marengo in June 1800 –Treaty of Lunevelle (1801) reconfirms Campo Formio –France gains domain over Northern Italy from Austria Peace of Amiens –Peace treaty w/ Britain in 1802 Peace & security satisfies Peasants & Bourgeoisie (& most of French) –Peace is good for business and agriculture 1800 & 1802 –Grants general amnesty to 100 thousand émigrés Pleases monarchists

11 Duke of d’Enghien Picks capable and effective people to staff the administration (many Royalists & Jacobins) Bomb to assassinate him was blamed on a Jacobin conspiracy –even thou he knew royalist had done it –deported 100 Jacobins Makes royalists happy Exaggerated “royalist plots” Kidnapped Duke of d’Enghien from Baden (Germany) –A Bourbon Trumped up charges of conspiracy to overthrow government Had him executed by firing squad –keeps the Jacobins satisfied that they, as regicides, are safe under his rule Pleases Jacobins But monarchists hate this!! Louis Antoine Henri, duc d'Enghien

12 Napoleon’s Iron Hand

13 Concordat of 1801 Bonaparte made peace with the Catholic Church Regarded religion as a means to rule –advertised himself as a Muslim in Egypt, a Catholic in France, a freethinker among professors recognized Catholic revival in France and wanted to eliminate refractory clergy (aided by England) Concordat of 1801 (with the Vatican) –Pope can depose French bishops and controls the Church in France –Pope (by signing) recognizes the French Republic and raises no question over former church lands –Clergy are salaried by the state –Pope cannot question French toleration –Also put Protestant ministers and the state payroll Disarmed the counterrevolution Republic is no longer ‘godless’ Satisfies conservative Peasants & Catholics The caption of the picture translates: "Signature of the Concordat between the French Government and His Holiness Pius VII for the re-establishment of the Catholic religion in France".

14 Consulate reforms Meritocracy –Careers open to talent No privileges were recognized Citizens were to rise according to their abilities (merit over birth) Education came to be a determinant of social standing –So long as it (book) didn’t question the First Consul (Germaine de Stael exiled) –Lyceum system Centrally controlled state run secondary schools opened Tax reform –no tax exemptions –No more tax farmer Nation collected 100% of what it taxed Bank of France –Central bank created –new currency was established –Stabilized economy –Gov. no longer captive to will of nobility Bourgeoisie love all of this stuff

15 The Napoleonic Codes Condensed over 300 legal systems of Old Regime, thousands of laws past by Revolutionaries into One Code of Five sections Ancien regime laws were confusing, contradictory & allowed to numerous exemptions Napoleonic Code made France legally and judicially uniform Assured legal equality (not economic) to all Frenchmen forbade privileges based on birth allowed freedom of religion specified that government jobs go to the most qualified Paternalistic view of law –Left wife with very restricted powers over property Unable to sign contract, own property Above all it secured the sanctity of property rights!! –Bourgeoisie Napoleon :} Hammurabi is portrayed receiving the laws directly from Shamash the sun god

16 Napoleon’s Early Accomplishments

17 The Revolution is Complete 1789 France = A Sick Absolute Monarchy 1789-1792 Moderate Stage 1792-1794 Radical Stage 1799-1804 Restoration 1794-1799 Thermidorian 1804 Napoleon crowned Emperor of France France = A Healthy Absolute Monarchy

18 Emperor Napoleon I

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