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 Oman is an Arab state  Oman is one of the most Modernized and stable Arab states in the Arab world  It is an absolute monarchy ruled by Qaboos bin.

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Presentation on theme: " Oman is an Arab state  Oman is one of the most Modernized and stable Arab states in the Arab world  It is an absolute monarchy ruled by Qaboos bin."— Presentation transcript:


2  Oman is an Arab state  Oman is one of the most Modernized and stable Arab states in the Arab world  It is an absolute monarchy ruled by Qaboos bin said  Oil drives the economy

3  Oman’s ruler or the Sultan has all judiciary, legislative and executive power  Oman is ruled by a dynasty family

4  Qaboos bin Said Al Said is the current ruler of Oman  Overthrew his father and took power

5  After Qaboos bin Said Al Said took over he manage to turn his country into a westernized state  Removed Oman from isolation  Got more people jobs  Reduced poverty rate  Used oil revenue to build highways and schools

6  Oman had violated a few of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  Article 9 States: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile  Article 15 states Everyone has the right to a nationality  No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality

7  Oman detained and imprisoned innocent people for speaking out against The Sultan  They also deprived Jews who were fleeing from Israel during the tough times  They would restrict freedom of speech especially against the Sultan and the running government

8  The Gov. should Listen to the people instead of oppressing them.  The could have fair elections instead of rigging the elections  They should follow the UDHR more strictly  Instead of having the Gov. run by a dynasty change it to a democracy

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