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Quick Civil War Recap Fought North (Union) vs. South (Confederates) Fought in 3 territories: Eastern theatre (by D.C.), Southern theatre (ports), and Western.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Civil War Recap Fought North (Union) vs. South (Confederates) Fought in 3 territories: Eastern theatre (by D.C.), Southern theatre (ports), and Western."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Civil War Recap Fought North (Union) vs. South (Confederates) Fought in 3 territories: Eastern theatre (by D.C.), Southern theatre (ports), and Western battles (newer territories.)

2 States to Secede First South Carolina, after Lincoln was elected, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky and Missouri (did not join Confed.)

3 After Seceding, South Carolina surrounded Fort Sumter. Shots fired, but no men died.

4 Union Advantages More $ More Railroads More Industry/Supply Government Navy More men Confed. Advantages Better Officers Fight for way of life Cavalry More food (in beginning)

5 Union Anaconda Plan was to surround Confederates, cut them apart, and force surrender.

6 Robert E. Lee would lead South. Many men led Union, last leader and winner was Ulysses S. Grant

7 Turning points in war Death of Southern General Stonewall Jackson Union victory at Gettysburg Union General Sherman’s March to the Sea.

8 Lee surrenders to Grant near courthouse of Appomattox.

9 Reconstruction Time after Civil War. Had to rebuild South, and the nation. Southerners very angry, poor, and hurt.

10 Scalawag- Southerner that tried to take advantage of situation in South after Civil War economically or politically

11 Carpetbagger- Northerner that came down to take advantage of Southerners economically or politically.

12 Freedmen’s bureau. Tried to help freed slaves after Civil war by giving them $, education, land, jobs, find families, learn rights. Much corruption in F.B.

13 Freedmen’s choices after Civil War: Go North for Jobs. Go West for Land. Find families. Return to fields.

14 Former Confederate Cavalry member Nathan Bedford Forrest starts Ku Klux Klan. Meant to maintain social order of South but as it grew, dramatically changed.

15 1871, KKK Act attempted to stop intimidation and force by members in getting what they wanted. Federal troops brought in to stop crime and corruption.

16 Reconstruction failed in South due to stubborn citizens, corruption, fear, and lack of knowledge and effort.

17 Reconstruction ends with the election of 1877. South agrees to let Northern candidate Rutherford B. Hayes have Presidency (despite losing election) in order for Reconstruction to end.

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