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The Rise of segregation. Discrimination:  What is it?  To make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of segregation. Discrimination:  What is it?  To make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of segregation

2 Discrimination:  What is it?  To make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit

3 Early Discrimination  Chinese Exclusion Act : (1882) Barred Chinese immigration for 10 years and prevented the Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens  Too many Chinese immigrants coming over at one time.  Taking all of American jobs  They work harder and for less money

4  After Reconstruction: African American’s rights were slowly undermined  Attempts to unify and separate Whites and African Americans failed → Increase in movement to take away African American’s Civil Rights  HOW?  Taking away their rights to vote  15 th Amendment: prohibits states from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude,”  1890 - Mississippi imposed Poll Taxes ($2) → Must be paid by all citizens when registering to vote

5 Legalizing Segregation  Segregation: Separation of the races  North: African Americans barred from public places  South: passed laws that enforced discrimination  Jim Crow Laws  Rise and Fall of Jim CrowRise and Fall of Jim Crow  Separate toilets  Sit in the back of the bus  No intermarriages  Separate schools

6 Plessy v. Ferguson  1892- Homer Plessy from Louisiana  Rode in the “White’s Only” car and got arrested.  Supreme Court declared that he was in the wrong.  Established “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL”

7 African-American Response  Ida B. Wells- Press and Media (against lynching)  Booker T. Washington- Focus on achieving economic goals vs. political goals  W.E.B. Dubois- wanted African Americans to demand equal rights immediately DuBois vs. Washington

8 Activity Of all the people we just discussed, write a persuasive argument to tell me whose response you think is the best to increase the African American status during this time period. Give me 3 reasons why and explain them fully. Due at the end of the period.

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