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Presentation on theme: "100 200 300 400 500 MOVEMENTINTERACTIONPERCEPTIONMIGRATIONHODGE P…"— Presentation transcript:


2 Complementarity can be used to describe the relationship between the Ukraine and this place.

3 What is West Europe?

4 Complementarity is not enough of a relationship to guarantee movement. Movement only happens when two places have this.

5 What is Transferability

6 Transferability is a function of these three conditions.

7 What is 1. characteristics/value of product 2. rel distance (time/cost = units) 3. Ability of product to bear cost

8 This is perhaps the best example of a transferable commodity.

9 What is crude oil?

10 This place could be seen as an intervening opportunity for the job seeker from Iowa applying in NYC.

11 What is Chicago?

12 When studying interaction of people between two places it is impossible to say how all types of people may or may not interact between two places so patterns and formulas are meant to represent this person.

13 What is the Western-culture adult male or “economic man”

14 The idea that a college dorm student is more likely to order takeout if they live closer to the drop off point is an example of the power of this concept.

15 What is friction of distance/ or distance decay?

16 Different activities will often have _______ rates of distance decay.

17 What is differing?

18 The distance decay model that says the level of interaction between two places varies inversely with the distance squared between the two places is called this.

19 What is the Gravity Model?

20 The economical man lives 21 miles from a city of 1 million people and 79 miles from a city with 16 million people. Where is it likely he will shop this weekend?

21 What is the city with 16 million?

22 The most effectively transmitted info about distance places comes from this type of information source.

23 What is word of mouth?

24 The United States encourages a directional bias in information flow of which direction?

25 What is east/west?

26 The most often sited reason for interstate movement of U.S. adults is this?

27 What is employment?

28 The second most often sited reason for interstate movement of U.S. adults is this?

29 What is family?

30 The third most often sited reason for interstate movement of U.S. adults is this?

31 What is climate?

32 These are the three types of migration geographers are concerned with.

33 What is forced, reluctant relocation, and voluntary?

34 These are the three largest groups of international refugees in the world today.

35 What are Afghans, Iraqis, and Sudanese?

36 This is an approximate number of persons internationally displaced in the world today.

37 What is 12 million?

38 About this many people in the world live on less than one dollar per day.

39 What is 2 billion?

40 A group of people that are considered voluntary migrants, but leave their homes because they would starve otherwise because of a lack or natural resources.

41 What are environmental refugees?

42 These are the 5 laws of migration.

43 What are: Most Short Longer = big cities Most step by step Most rural to urban Each = counter

44 Prop 187 in California(1994) said that in order to be provided public services such as Medicare, public school, or welfare one must do this.

45 What is prove U.S. citizenship?

46 This is what happened to Prop 187 from California (1994).

47 What is ruled unconstitutional in Federal District Court and then upheld at the 9th circuit Court of Appeals.

48 The fact that a consumer in Italy can order a book from Amazon or clothes from Lands’ End, obtain news from CNN or Aljazeera, make an investment on the London Stock Exchange, while talking to a colleague in Tokyo is evidence of this.

49 What is Globalization?

50 TNC’s control approximately this much of the world’s assetts.

51 What is 1/3


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