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Index Human Migration. Index: 1. Definition of migration 2. Number of international immigration and emigration 1950-1990 1990-2012 3. Directions of international.

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Presentation on theme: "Index Human Migration. Index: 1. Definition of migration 2. Number of international immigration and emigration 1950-1990 1990-2012 3. Directions of international."— Presentation transcript:

1 index Human Migration

2 Index: 1. Definition of migration 2. Number of international immigration and emigration 1950-1990 1990-2012 3. Directions of international migration. 1950-1990 1990-2012 4. Causes of international migration. 5. „Euro-orphans” 6. Local migrations 7. Effects of migration 8. Our opinions 9. Authors index

3 Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration Internal International people migrate within the same country or region people migrate from one country to another

4 index Who migrates? Emigrant – is someone who permanently exits or leaves a country. Immigrant – is someone who permanently moves into a country

5 index YearsImmigrationEmigrationBalance 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 277,7 24,3 16,3 17,3 377,4 223,8 225,7 266,7 -99,7 -199,5 -209,4 -249,4 International migrations in Poland in years 1950-1990

6 index Number of migrants in years 1950-1990

7 index Number of migrants in years 1990-2012

8 Directions of international migration in years 1950-1990 index

9 Directions of international migration in years 1990-2012 index

10 Economic migration - moving to find work or follow a particular career path. Social migration - moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends. Political migration - moving to escape political persecution or war. Environmental causes of migration include natural disasters such as flooding. Seasonal migration – moving to find sesonal job e.g. picking up grapes. Causes of migration index

11 Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area. Lack of services Lack of safety High crime Drought Flooding Poverty War Religious persecution Political persecution Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area. Better employment More wealth Better services Better climate Safe, less crime Political stability Fertile land Good food supply Fewer natural disasters We can differentiate between push- and pull factors. index

12 There are many situations caused by unemployment in some parts of a country which effect on emigration of one or both parents. As a result children are under the care of a single spouse or even alone. This is called „Euro-orphanhood”. Euro-orphanhood

13 spis treści Local migration Local migration is when people migrate within the same area or region without moving to foreign countries. The special type of local migration is movement from villages to cities. It is connected with urbanization in cities and fact that villages are losing people who are able to work. Moreover people migrate inside of a country to start education or job. Usually it is related with movement from villages or towns to big cities.

14 Some of the effects of migration Remittances Money sent home by workers Loss of revenue Money made outside of the country is not subject to taxes Families left behind Families left without both parents Traditional societies threatened “Brain drain” Young people educated elsewhere but do not return home, stay in host country where the money is better As many of them study abroad on state-sponsored scholarships, this is an investment in human development not returned. Population decrease index

15 The issue of migration is visible in Poland at every step. A large part of our families went abroad in order to look for a better life. Although most of people go there just to work while living permanently in Poland. However we have also relatives who have moved away permanently. Members of our families work in Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, UK, and the United States. Moreover, I can see the problem of economic migration among my friends. This is not a good thing for us because as you know your family misses you. It is also the reason of Euro- orphans. In our home town we can also find frequent occurrence of seasonal migrations, especially for apples or grapes. The most common destinations for economic migration is Germany and France. I believe that the migration is able to destroy relationships between family members and, if possible, it should be avoided. index Our opinions

16 Thanks for watching Made by: Jakub Misiowiec Mateusz Owczarek index

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