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Processing Project Proposals

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1 Processing Project Proposals
QMS Training

2 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Objective To evaluate the request for proposals received To identify suitable customers who align with our business goals Mahindra Satyam Confidential

3 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Process Receive RFP Constitute Proposal Team Decide on responding to RFP Prepare the Proposal Review the Proposal Approve the Proposal Submit the Proposal Follow-up on the Proposal Acceptance of the Proposal Mahindra Satyam Confidential

4 Receive Request for Proposal
One of the following receives RFP: the pre-sales team delivery manager relationship manager account manager, or the designated associate responsible for enhancing business for Mahindra Satyam Mahindra Satyam Confidential

5 Constitute Proposal Team
The receiver of the proposal constitutes a proposal team The team is led by a proposal team leader The team evaluates and coordinates the preparation of the proposal The team performs Due Diligence, if required, to understand customer’s business Mahindra Satyam Confidential

6 Decide on Responding to RFP
Proposal Team decides on responding to RFP If Yes, the team goes ahead to prepare Proposal If no, the team Sends a regret letter to the customer Records the reasons in the process file Mahindra Satyam Confidential

7 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Prepare the Proposal Proposal team prepares the Technical Section Sales team prepares the Non-technical Sections If the proposal team has the required competence, can prepare the Non-technical sections also Mahindra Satyam Confidential

8 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Review the Proposal Proposal team leader Identifies Review team Conducts a review meeting at least one representative from Sales must attend this meeting work sheets for the effort estimates and project costing are also reviewed Prepares the proposal review report Fills in the proposal tracking form Maintains the details in the process file Mahindra Satyam Confidential

9 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Review the Proposal Review Comments will be closed The same will be verified Mahindra Satyam Confidential

10 Approve the Proposal The proposal team leader approves the proposal
Mahindra Satyam Confidential

11 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Submit the Proposal The proposal team leader Submits the proposal to the customer, or Handovers the proposal to the receiver of RFP to submit to the customer Fills in the proposal tracking form Maintains the details in the proposal file Mahindra Satyam Confidential

12 Follow-up on the Proposal
The process team leader follows-up with customer maintains modifications in the proposal file In case of major modifications, The proposal team meets and revises the proposal The review team reviews the modified proposal Submits to the customer Logs the details in proposal tracking form Maintains details in the process file Mahindra Satyam Confidential

13 Acceptance of the Proposal
In case the customer Accepts the proposal, we receive a Contract or a Master Services Agreement. The review of the same is initiated Defers the proposal, the receiver of the RFP or the proposal team leader continues to periodically follow-up on the proposal Rejects the proposal, the Proposal File shall be closed The details are maintained in the process file Mahindra Satyam Confidential

14 Handling Internal Projects
Raise request for Development / Maintenance of Information Systems IIS evaluates and approves the request In case of internal projects for Skill / Competency building in new technology areas in a Circle, AIC (Circle) approves the request The rest of the process is as explained in the previous slides Mahindra Satyam Confidential

15 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Review of Activities Pre-sales team Analyzes the data on proposals submitted, proposals accepted and proposals rejected Half-yearly Uses the results to identify strengths and weaknesses Takes corrective and preventive actions, where necessary Mahindra Satyam Confidential

16 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Objective Met The proposals are evaluated Suitable customers who align with our business goals are identified The RFPs are responded to in a timely manner Mahindra Satyam Confidential

17 Mahindra Satyam Confidential
Conducting Contract Review Mahindra Satyam Confidential

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