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By Kristina Saulenaite. A demographic or demographic profile is a term used in marketing and broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kristina Saulenaite. A demographic or demographic profile is a term used in marketing and broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kristina Saulenaite

2 A demographic or demographic profile is a term used in marketing and broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market segment. This typically involves age bands (as teenagers do not wish to purchase denture fixant), social classbands (as the rich may want different products than middle and lower classes and may be willing to pay more) and gender (partially because different physical attributes require different hygiene and clothing products, and partially because of the male/female mindsets).marketingbroadcastingdemographicmarket segmentdenturesocial classmindsets

3 Succeeders: People who are successful and self confident. They tend not to buy aspirational products and follow they own ideas of what is a good product. Reformers: Creative, caring, altruistic, not brand conscious. Aspirers: People who want to "get on". Mainstreamers: The largest segment, conformists who buy "safe", big brand products.

4 The cream shave advert is targeting middle or upper class men, between the age of 18-40. The man on the cover of the advert looks directly at other men, the aspirers who would buy this product. Those sort of men would also probably buy other big brand products on pretty adverts such as Lynx, they would probably eat healthy food, or at least food with a big brand, would probably drive nice cars and not use public transport, would drink wine and enjoy fine life and restaurants. The colours on the advert connote that the men they are targeted are also quite ‘cool’, and maybe emotionally cold because of the cool, same shade colours on the advert. The blues, connote that this is a new product, which is why it would attract aspirers.

5 This advert is again aimed men, only this time the mainstreamers of age 18 onwards, who buy safe products. As the advert is proving to value for money it is probably aimed at working- class men. The green is also connoting that this is a safe product, reminding the buyer of the ‘green light’. Those sort of people would like food that is on sale, they like value for money, they would not be very fussed about what they eat, would probably travel by bus or have an older car. They would enjoy going and socialising in the pub.

6 This advert is aimed at women/girls, the aspirers of the ages ranging from 13-40. The women who are concerned about they way they look and would like to look better. A celebrity on the advert connotes that it is targeted the aspirers, someone they can look up to, it persuades indirectly women to buy this product. Revlon is also a well known name, these sort of women would also be interested in fashion, celebrity gossip, most probably going out, would enjoy drinking alcohol, and would be the so called ‘ sex sirens’. They would most probably drive, or have a man who would drive them around. The colours are calm, they connote maturity, or the want to look mature and sexy. This advert would probably be in a magazine like ‘ OK’, ‘Closer’, ‘Cosmopolitan’.

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