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Feline Behavior. Industry American Association of Feline Practitioners Accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

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Presentation on theme: "Feline Behavior. Industry American Association of Feline Practitioners Accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feline Behavior

2 Industry American Association of Feline Practitioners Accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

3 Industry

4 Industry

5 Statistics Dogs 78.2 Million owned 60% own one dog 29% own two dogs $248/year Cats 86.4 Million owned 33% own one cat 52% own two cats $219/year The Humane Society of the United States. (2011). U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from

6 Feline Personality Types Personality of the feline is formed from a combination of experience and genetics.

7 Understanding Feline Personality Siamese & Oriental breeds Persian & long hair breeds

8 Understanding Feline Personality

9 Feline Personality Types Friendly-Trusting Shy-fearful Active-aggressive

10 Why do human’s have cats?

11 Feline Hierarchy

12 Dominance Sharing

13 Communication

14 Tail Talk

15 Friendly Tails

16 Fearful Tails

17 Submissive Tail

18 Aggressive/Scared Tail

19 Tail Movements

20 Body Posture

21 Facial Expressions ANY intense emotion such as excitement, fear, anger, pleasure, or agitation, can cause the pupils to dilate. (Kalstone, 2008)

22 Facial Expressions

23 Aggression

24 Will you please help me?

25 Behavioral Problems Case Study Inappropriate elimination Notice tail shake

26 Behavior Problems Case Study Inappropriate scratching

27 Behavior Problems Case Study Aggression

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