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Saint Agnes Library/Media Center By: Mrs. Gerasoulis.

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Presentation on theme: "Saint Agnes Library/Media Center By: Mrs. Gerasoulis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saint Agnes Library/Media Center By: Mrs. Gerasoulis

2 Library/Media Center Hours: 7:30 am, both lunch periods, and after school until 3:30pm; except on Fridays until 2:30pm.

3 Library Passes: Please see Mrs. Gerasoulis before homeroom if you would like to use the library/media center at lunch time. All students must go to lunch for 20 min., get their passes signed by a teacher in the cafeteria, then come to the library. Each student is only permitted (3) library passes per week.

4 Borrowing Books: Students may borrow books in the morning, at lunch time, or after school. Books are checked out for (2) weeks. Late fines are.5 per school day past the due date.

5 Book Requests If any student has a book of interest, or suggestions, please see Mrs. Gerasoulis.

6 Online Library Catalog: St. Agnes has a web-based online library catalog that may be accessed from school, or home. Please go to: Click on Academics, go to Library Media Center, then links, and finally online library This site allows students to browse all library materials.

7 Media Center: The same rules apply to the media center as the library. When logging onto all school computers, please use your username and password. Save all work to your user id# as well. Please be aware that no student may access their personal email from school computers.

8 Library Club: Please see Mrs. Gerasoulis for more information on the Library Club, meetings, days, and hours. The purpose of the Library Club is to instill the love of reading into students while incorporating technology to enhance learning skills.

9 Any Questions?? Please don’t all jump at once!!!!

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