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AQUAINT Herbert Gish and Owen Kimball June 11, 2002 Answer Spotting.

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1 AQUAINT Herbert Gish and Owen Kimball June 11, 2002 Answer Spotting

2 2 AQUAINT Project Goals Primary Objectives –Develop answer-spotting technology to provide analysts with best answers available from a spontaneous speech database –Develop application for multiple languages and with potentially limited resources Low-density languages Application Features –Explain to the user the basis for decisions –Export semantic components of answer to a multi-media system –Account for variability in resources in extracting information –Enable rapid deployment in new languages

3 3 AQUAINT BBN Approach Topic-dependent language models Semantic-category class grammars Unsupervised training methods

4 4 AQUAINT Query Formation A query for the conversational speech domain addresses: –Topic Domains of interest to the analyst –Semantic categories/classes Key topic components –Keywords/Phrases The elements of the semantic categories

5 5 AQUAINT Answer Spotting Approach Answer Spotting Approach Recognize semantic category specific language activity –Generalization of word and phrase spotting Integrate topic search into recognizer for best answers into the speech recognition process –Use topic relevant language model(s) to select relevant data –Incorporate semantic classification of words or phrases into language model used in recognition –Requires minimal resources and provides the best performance Train topic classifiers without supervision Post-process speech recognition output to put together semantic components of answer

6 6 AQUAINT Choice of Corpora Choice of Corpora Desired Corpora Features –Spontaneous (telephone) speech –Conversations between people –Consistent query formation and answer representation from data Selected Corpora –Switchboard  Spontaneous telephone conversations between strangers  Topic-driven conversations  Abundant amounts of transcribed data –Callhome  Spontaneous telephone conversations between family members  Corpora available in multiple languages: Spanish, Mandarin and Arabic

7 7 AQUAINT Query Formation for Switchboard Query Formation for Switchboard Topics –Selected 5 diverse topics –Topic descriptions: Buying a car, Credit cards, News media, Vacation spots, Music –Amount of data for each topic varies from 30 to 60 conversations Semantic Categories/Classes –For each topic, defined a set of semantic categories –At least 5 categories per topic were picked –Manual annotation of semantic categories – no syntactic information used in annotation User-Defined Keywords/Phrases

8 8 AQUAINT Topic: Buying a Car Topic: Buying a Car What kind of car do you think you might buy next? What sorts of things will enter your decision? See if your requirements and the other caller’s requirements are similar Semantic CategoriesExample words/phrases Make/ManufacturerBMW, Ford, Saab ModelTaurus, Passat ClassVan, wagon, sports car Year/TimelineUsed, new, 1968, couple of years old Place of originAmerican, Japanese, European

9 9 AQUAINT Topic: News Media Semantic CategoriesExample words/phrases Media TypesRadio, television (TV), newspaper (paper), magazine, written, tabloid Television ChannelsCNN, ABC, Channel Five Newspaper/MagazineDallas Morning Herald, Newsweek Radio ChannelsNPR, Christian radio station, KRLD, CNN, ninety point one Shows (TV & radio)Headline News, Sixty Minutes Anchor Names/Personalities Peter Jennings, Bruce Williams Discuss how you and the caller keep up with current event.

10 10 AQUAINT System Architecture

11 11 AQUAINT System Components Recognizer –State-of-the-art Byblos system –Real-time or near real-time performance Topic Identifier –Parallel language model structure in recognizer that separates query topic from non-topic data –Topic & text integrator that uses language model information and word confidences to filter relevant text Category Identifier –Categories integrated into the language model or –Use separate component, for example, Identifinder

12 12 AQUAINT An Alternate Configuration An Alternate Configuration Recognizer employs a standard n-gram language model Topics identified after recognition Semantic content extracted after recognition Can provide a baseline for the original configuration The choice for low WER recognition Speech Recognizer Semantic Parallel Language Model (Identifinder) Topic Id Information

13 13 AQUAINT Category Identification - Identifinder Start of sentence End of sentence Semantic Class 1 Semantic Class N Not-a-Semantic-Class 1.Identifinder is an HMM with internal states defined by the semantic classes and a single “not-a-semantic-class state. 2.The state generates words conditioned on the previous state as well as the previous word. 3.Word features can also be used in addition to the word identity.

14 14 AQUAINT Portability Across Languages Use Callhome corpora for testing system capabilities –Callhome English has conversations between family members –Topics range from family events to immigration issues Callhome is available in multiple languages –Languages that can be tested include Spanish, Mandarin and Arabic –Limited data and linguistic resources are available in these languages posing additional technical challenges

15 15 AQUAINT Two Modes of Operation Significant Resources –Moderate WER (30%-40%)LVCSR available –Hundreds (nominally) of hours of transcribed data –Large phonetic dictionary Limited Resources –Few hours of transcribed data in the domain of interest –Dictionary limited to training

16 16 AQUAINT Using Limited Resources Investigate effect of variations in data on various system components –Impact of reduced number of manually annotated conversations on category identification  Use word clustering on other available text resources to find words that fit into the semantic classes of interest  Use relevance feedback techniques, where the user provides feedback that can be used to adapt system response –Impact of reduced transcriptions for acoustic/language modeling on recognition performance  Use auto-transcription techniques if additional audio data is available  Use newspaper & broadcast news text available to augment language modeling performance

17 17 AQUAINT Using Limited Resources Building system with limited data resources and/or linguistic expertise –Enabling rapid deployment in new languages where linguistic resources (for example, word pronunciation dictionary or word transcriptions) are limited –Annotating topics and semantic categories on a new language where transcriptions are limited

18 18 AQUAINT Progress Overview Annotation completed –Semantic categories Integrated recognizer-semantics –Language model still being developed Baseline system (LVCSR/Identifinder) Implemented –Initial experiments measuring performance of Identifinder on semantic categories Topic classification in the limited data regime –Topic classification with approximately 4 hours of training –Technology has been transferred to a government agency Classification performance with diffuse topics

19 19 AQUAINT Initial Experiments Finding the Semantic Categories –Employed recognition followed by identifinder –Real-time Byblos recognizer trained on Switchboard WER 38% –Trained Indentifinder with annotated data from the 3 topics –Evaluated on manual transcription and after decoding Finding Topics with Limited Resources

20 20 AQUAINT Finding Semantic Categories cont. Finding Semantic Categories cont. Comparison of performance on manually transcribed speech and after speech recognition TopicF-measure Credit cards77.28 Buying a car85.64 News media73.62 TopicF-measure Credit cards60.44 Buying a car65.49 News media59.22 Manually TranscribedAfter Speech Recognition

21 21 AQUAINTDiscussion Initial results show that semantic categories can survive recognition errors Experiments with limited training are giving very encouraging results Need to integrate language model into the recognizer Explore semantic categories in the limited data situation Provide confidence measures for keywords/phrases Investigate other methods for characterizing performance Characterize performance a function of word error rate Start work on demo system

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