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IViewer v3.5 release meeting 2014/01/23. New features in iViewer v3.5 1) Support live view of Crystal v2.0 2) Favorite view 3) New Event list button 4)

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1 iViewer v3.5 release meeting 2014/01/23

2 New features in iViewer v3.5 1) Support live view of Crystal v2.0 2) Favorite view 3) New Event list button 4) Modifications of I/O and Push Notification 5) Push notification enhancement 6) Enhancements 7) Support audio on Android 8) Demo site on Android

3 Support live view of Crystal 1) Audio, 2) High/ Low Stream Profile, 3) Snapshot are available 1) Audio, 2) High/ Low Stream Profile, 3) Snapshot are available

4 Favorite view (Crystal only)

5 New Event list button

6 Modifications of I/O and Push Notification The user will be able to view the video of associated camera when this push notification comes from the digital input device of I/O box from Mainconsole, NVRmini2 and NVRsolo. ScenarioProcedureResult 1My Server -> multiple grids ->Click on “Menu” User can control I/O and Push Notification 2My Server -> 1*1 grid ->Click on “Menu” User can control I/O and Push Notification 3My View -> multiple grids ->No “Menu”, only “Save” User cannot control I/O and Push Notification, but save my view only. 4My View -> 1*1 gridNo “Menu” User cannot control I/O and Push Notification.

7 ConditionNew Solution to de-registrationRemarks 1 -NUUO iViewer CAN connect to NVRsolo/ NVRmini2/ Mainconsole Solution 1: iViewer will send a request to NUUO server to remove it from the push notification list. Current Solution: 1)Remove this iViewer from the push notification receiving list at NUUO server. 2)After removing NUUO server from the NUUO iViewer, restart* this NUUO iViewer at the same network environment as the NUUO Server. *“Restart” means remove the App from the background and then run it again. 2 -NUUO iViewer CANNOT connect to NVRsolo/ NVRmini2/ Mainconsole -NUUO iViewer CAN connect to EZNUUO Solution 2: iViewer will send request to EZNUUO to block push notification. When NUUO Server sends push notification to EZNUUO, EZNUUO will check the list first. If this server is blocked, EZNUUO will not send this push notification token to Apple/ Google. After 30 days, EZNUUO will remove this iViewer from the client list. 3 -NUUO iViewer CANNOT connect to NVRsolo/ NVRmini2/ Mainconsole -NUUO iViewer CANNOT connect to EZNUUO Solution 3: After removing NUUO server from NUUO iViewer, the user has to restart* the NUUO iViewer to de-register this service, and iViewer and EZNUUO will run the Solution 1 and 2. *“Restart” means remove the App from the background and then run it again.

8 Enhancements iViewer will automatically load the original profile if this camera doesn’t have 2 nd stream and the layout is switched to 1*1. iViewer will push a notification to user’s smartphone if EZNUUO has any update or in maintenance. iViewer will pause the current playback when receiving any new push notifications.

9 Known issues iViewer may receive the event push notification from the previous NUUO recording server if the user delete the iViewer and install the iViewer again within 30 days even the recording servers in iViewer are different. EX: Relocation of security guard [iOS & Android] The user logs in one recording server through IP address and EZNUUO. The user will not be able to receive any push notification after deleting any of both connectivities. [iOS & Android] User has to log in iViewer again to get the latest information, including camera information, user privilege and new digital output devices. [iOS & Android]

10 Known issues If the name of preset point in recording server is not English, this preset point will not be able at iViewer. [iOS] The camera may not update new video stream when the layout is in 1*1 and receive push notification. After closing the push notification, the camera will update the new video stream. [Android]

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