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The French and Indian War (1754 - 1763). Causes of the War 1. Competition over land in North America (the Ohio River Valley) 1. Competition over land.

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Presentation on theme: "The French and Indian War (1754 - 1763). Causes of the War 1. Competition over land in North America (the Ohio River Valley) 1. Competition over land."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French and Indian War (1754 - 1763)

2 Causes of the War 1. Competition over land in North America (the Ohio River Valley) 1. Competition over land in North America (the Ohio River Valley) 2. Conflict over control of North American trade routes 2. Conflict over control of North American trade routes 3. Competition for trading alliances with Natives 3. Competition for trading alliances with Natives 4. Wars in Europe increase tension 4. Wars in Europe increase tension 5. English & French traditional enemies 5. English & French traditional enemies

3 The Two Sides French French Indian Allies - Mohawk - Miq'maq - Abenaki - Ottawa - Shawnee - and many others British British Colonial Militia Colonial Militia Indian Allies - Iroquois Confederacy - Cherokee Nation

4 Albany Plan of Union Proposed by Benjamin Franklin (PA) Proposed by Benjamin Franklin (PA) Colonies unite under 1 federal government Colonies unite under 1 federal government Each state would keep its own Constitution Each state would keep its own Constitution Government led by President-General appointed by the King Government led by President-General appointed by the King Union plan based on the structure and of the Iroquois Confederacy Union plan based on the structure and of the Iroquois Confederacy

5 Power of Govt. under Albany Plan Under Albany Plan, colonial government could: Under Albany Plan, colonial government could: - Levy (impose) taxes - Raise and maintain an army/navy - Make treaties with Indians - Settle new land - Construct forts in Ohio Valley and westward - Levy (impose) taxes - Raise and maintain an army/navy - Make treaties with Indians - Settle new land - Construct forts in Ohio Valley and westward

6 Albany Plan of Union (cont.) REJECTED by the colonial legislatures REJECTED by the colonial legislatures Colonies did not want to give up power to a federal power Colonies did not want to give up power to a federal power Shows the beginning of conflict between colonial (state) powers and national power Shows the beginning of conflict between colonial (state) powers and national power Provided a basic model for early American govt. Provided a basic model for early American govt. Franklin criticises their failure with the first American political cartoon!!! Franklin criticises their failure with the first American political cartoon!!!

7 Why did Ben Franklin draw this?

8 European Land Claims


10 Mapping Land Claims MAP ONE: MAP ONE: Label Original Colonies (Postal Abbreviation) Label Original Colonies (Postal Abbreviation) Label Rivers – Ohio, Mississippi Label Rivers – Ohio, Mississippi Label Great Lakes Label Great Lakes Label Atlantic Ocean Label Atlantic Ocean Label Appalachian Mountains Label Appalachian Mountains Cities - Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Quebec City, Montreal Cities - Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Quebec City, Montreal MAP TWO: MAP TWO: Overlay Land Claims of Britain, France, & Spain (shaded colors) Overlay Land Claims of Britain, France, & Spain (shaded colors)

11 The British Turn the Tide With added money & support the British begin to take the lead With added money & support the British begin to take the lead Begin to take fort by fort Begin to take fort by fort Newly conquered Forts can then re-supply offensive units Newly conquered Forts can then re-supply offensive units British capture Quebec; Montreal; Ft. Detroit British capture Quebec; Montreal; Ft. Detroit The Iroquois shift their allegiance to the British believing the French cause was hopeless The Iroquois shift their allegiance to the British believing the French cause was hopeless

12 The Treaty of Paris (1763) Representatives of Great Britain, France, and Spain signed a treaty in Paris, France. Representatives of Great Britain, France, and Spain signed a treaty in Paris, France. Ended the French and Indian War in America (called the Seven Years War in Europe). Ended the French and Indian War in America (called the Seven Years War in Europe). Treaty Points Treaty Points  New France east of the Mississippi River to Britain  New Orleans given to Spain along with New France west of the Mississippi River.  The British returned Cuba, which they had captured during the war, to Spain in exchange for Florida.

13 How do the British win the war? 1. Parliament pays $8 million to support the effort, fearing the impact on the empire if the French won 1. Parliament pays $8 million to support the effort, fearing the impact on the empire if the French won 2. Better prepared, better led troops 2. Better prepared, better led troops 3. Good strategy 3. Good strategy 4. Gain Iroquois as allies 4. Gain Iroquois as allies

14 IMPACT!!!! 1. British thought the colonists helped to provoke war 1. British thought the colonists helped to provoke war 2. British want Americans to repay war debt ($8 million) 2. British want Americans to repay war debt ($8 million) 3. Americans felt their British leadership did not support their interests to settle the Ohio River Valley 3. Americans felt their British leadership did not support their interests to settle the Ohio River Valley

15 Impact!!!! (Cont.)‏ 4. Americans see a weakness in British military power (war was long, difficult)‏ 4. Americans see a weakness in British military power (war was long, difficult)‏ 5. British increase the Americans taxes to repay war debt 5. British increase the Americans taxes to repay war debt

16 Proclamation Line of 1763 After war, the colonists begin to move further west because the French no longer occupy that territory After war, the colonists begin to move further west because the French no longer occupy that territory Fighting/tension with Natives increases Fighting/tension with Natives increases King George creates a line after the end of the Appalachians; Colonists not allowed to settle west of line King George creates a line after the end of the Appalachians; Colonists not allowed to settle west of line


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