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Louis XVI as a Pig c To some, the king was a traitor. c Others felt that the Revolution had gone far enough and didn’t want to execute the king [maybe.

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Presentation on theme: "Louis XVI as a Pig c To some, the king was a traitor. c Others felt that the Revolution had gone far enough and didn’t want to execute the king [maybe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Louis XVI as a Pig c To some, the king was a traitor. c Others felt that the Revolution had gone far enough and didn’t want to execute the king [maybe exile him].

3 Marie Antoinette as a Serpent The “Widow Capet”

4 Marie Antoinette on the Way to the Guillotine Marie Antoinette on the Way to the Guillotine

5 Marie Antoinette Died in October, 1793

6 King Louis XVI Executed - 1793 Off with his head

7 The Guillotine Supporters said it was:  Efficient  More humane  No pain Opponents said it:  It was too quick to be enjoyed by public  Rather pull victims apart by horses; broken on a wheel

8 The Reign of Terror Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible. -- Robespierre Let terror be the order of the day! c The Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris alone executed 2,639 victims in 15 months. c The total number of victims nationwide was over 20,000!

9 The “Monster” Guillotine The last guillotine execution in France was in 1939! The last guillotine execution in France was in 1939!

10 Different Social Classes Executed 31% 28% 7% 8% 25%

11 Napoleon Shows up Now we have a reading for the man that comes to make sense of this whole mess….

12 Napoleon Napoleon’s Coronation

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