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The Village Movement Mission  Connecting neighbors across ages to enhance lives and strengthen our communities.

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2 The Village Movement

3 Mission  Connecting neighbors across ages to enhance lives and strengthen our communities

4 Vision  Neighbors connected across generations engaged in strong communities

5 Approach Intergenerational Model Meaningfully connecting neighbors of all ages to thrive in community. Growth Model Growing organically with neighborhood planning teams and forming branches with strategic partnerships to have a more far-reaching geographical impact in surrounding communities.

6 Purposeful Impact  Combat isolation  Help elders thrive in their homes independently  Enrich lives through social opportunities and sharing wisdom across generations

7 Our Work  Volunteer Services:  House/yard work  Maintenance  Financial planning  Tech help  Snow Shoveling  Rides  Errands  Visiting  Care Share Respite  Preferred Service Providers:  Appliance Repairs  Interior and Exterior Cleaning  Handymen and women  Masons and Painters  Yard and lawn care  Electrical and plumbing jobs  Home health care

8 Transportation  Older adult members access our volunteer-driven transportation options  Rides to doctors’ appointments, grocery stores, hair dressers, social activities  Volunteers drive their own cars and can deduct mileage  Volunteers help with grocery lists, medical note-taking, personal connection  Seniors call in to the office to request rides 3-5 days in advance  Staff and volunteers in the office coordinate rides by emailing and calling volunteers  Volunteers have indicated interested in driving and are background and MVR checked through Intellicorp  Transportation is our most frequently requested service by far

9 By the Numbers  ALH serves over 200 senior Sustainer members who receive services (30-40 receive regular rides)  ALH engages over 500 volunteers, over 100 of which serve on a more regular basis (60+ drivers)  Ideal ratio 3:1 of volunteers: highly-served members  Senior Sustainer Membership is $225 for an individual for the entire year ($250 for a household)  ALH can typically support one ride per week per highly-served member  ALH helps resource members with other transportation options when their needs are greater than our system  ALH currently serves these zip codes: 80015, 80033, 80110, 80202, 80203, 80204, 80206, 80209, 80210, 80218, 80220, 80222, 80223, 80224, 80230, 80231, 80237, 80246

10 Social Programming  Tuesday and Tough Talks  Summer Picnics and Dinners Out  Neighborhood Planning Teams  Wine and Cheese parties  Cultural Outings  Teen Team  Brownies with Brownies  Book clubs, coffee groups, lunch bunches

11 Tough Talks  Police Chief Robert White  Dementia and Alzheimer’s Panel  Grief, End of Life, and Palliative Care Speakers

12 Service and Sequel Saturdays!  Biannual volunteering events- spring and fall cleaning  Over 100 volunteers pitch in to help their senior neighbors with various home and yard maintenance tasks  Weeding, raking, cutting down vines, prepping gardens  Washing windows, cleaning gutters, sweeping patios  High dusting, mattress turning, cleaning cupboards  Organizing paperwork, technology help  Inspecting handrails

13 Membership Groups Levels of Involvement:  Helpers  Teen Team  Builders  Connectors  Sustainers a place for everyone

14 Strategic Partnerships  Generations United  Communities for All Ages  Village to Village Network  Community First Foundation  Anschutz Family Foundation  A.V. Hunter Trust  DRMAC  DRCOG  Daniels Fund  Community centers, schools, scout troops, churches…

15 Contact  Phone: 720-242-9032  Web   


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