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 I walk,  You walk,  He or she walks. (singular)  We walk  You walk  They walk. (plural)

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Presentation on theme: " I walk,  You walk,  He or she walks. (singular)  We walk  You walk  They walk. (plural)"— Presentation transcript:


2  I walk,  You walk,  He or she walks. (singular)  We walk  You walk  They walk. (plural)

3  He or she is  They are.  He or she was  They were  He or she has  They have.

4  The number of the verb is determined by the subject of the sentence.  Ignore any appositives or clauses.

5  A compound noun is still singular.  For example peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese.

6  Singular indefinite pronouns take a singular form of the verb.  Memorize the singular indefinite pronouns.

7  In the construction Neither or Either of something, the indefinite pronouns are the subjects and therefore the verb will be singular.

8  When two subjects are separated by “or” the subject closest to the verb determines the number of the verb.  E.g The girl or the boys are winning.  The girls or the boy is winning.

9  When neither or either are in front of two subjects separated by “or” the subject closest to the verb determines the number of the verb.

10  Sometimes the subject comes after the verb.  Determine the subject.  The subject still determines the number of the verb.  E.g. Where are the names?

11  If a prepositional phrase, or a clause, begins the sentence determine the subject.  The subject of the sentence will still determine the number of the verb.

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